This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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We will publish letters-to-the-editor if they are deemed appropriate and in good taste. Letters can be opinion or editorial in nature, or general comment about local issues. Please submit letters using the CONTACT US form click here.

Beach Bar

We live on Redfish Rd near Crystal Beach Rd and recently saw a sign on Kahla at the beach where they are requesting a permit to sell and purchase alcohol. I called and was told a beach Bar is being proposed. All of us on this street and I am sure surrounding homes are up in arms about this and will do all possible to stop this. Is it legal to have a bar right in the middle of this residential area? As if it isn’t crazy enough down here. Please advise on what you know. Thanks (Robert C)

Own lot & want to move to Crystal Beach

Hi my is Samantha (Sam) I am a single mother with a wonderful 6 yr. old boy named Alex! I am new to Texas & currently live in an apt. in League City. I have a lot at Crystal Beach & I’m looking for info or anyone who could help me take the first step to move there! There is this strong tug on my heart that tells me The Bolivar is where we belong!! Any assistance with this would be so appreciated! A sincere “Thank You” from a future neighbor and friend!! (Samantha P)

New Format

From: Carol Shaw
don’t wanta be a downer, but I don’t like the new Crystal Beach News. Before I could spend quite awhile reading and keeping up with all the happenings, but now, I can go thru it in 2 minutes. Just doesn’t seem very personal anymore.

The Things I Carry

by Emma Carnell
Everyone carries something different. People carry many things even if these things are not physical. They carry their life and their emotions. I carry things physically and mentally. I carry hopes and fears. I carry joy and thoughts. I carry softball stuff and school items. I carry my life.

I carry the hope that my uncle, who is in the Green Beret, comes home safely. I hope all of the soldiers

Alligator Scare

We are in the process of building a beach house in Crystal Beach. On our way back home to Oklahoma City, we were driving on HIghway 124, towards Winnie, when traffic came to a stop. Then we realized there was an “alligator” in the middle of the highway. We had to take a picture, cause we didn’t think any one would believe us. I didn’t realize Texas had alligators. When my husband rolled down the window to take the picture, he said the alligator was agressive and darted towards our tire. I guess he really wanted to cross the highway, and we were in his way:) This was definitely exciting and made for interesting conversation for our drive home. (Monica Woods)

From Liz Sanders

There once was a walker named G.O.
From her house she will walk a stones throw
To find treasured sharks teeth
She just scoops sand beneath
And looks for a shiny black glow.

I Like It!

Just wanted to say I really like the Crystal Beach Local News! Crystal Beach sorely needed something like this and you all are doing a fantastic job with it! Thank you!!!
Jimmy, Vacation Home Owner

From Pamela Couch

Dear Tom & Georgia,
I still come through Bolivar Peninsula at least once a month to go to doctors appts., check mail, pay bills, etc. and then back to Mom’s in Louisiana (who is doing miraculously well) or I go to Mexia to get a good dose of my daughter and grandchildren.

But every time I pass through High Island and see the ocean ahead, my mind wanders of all the great people I have come to know and love on Bolivar. I open the windows to smell the salt air and feel

The Primary Election date is in “limbo”

The primary election date is a “moving target” given all the litigation related to redistricting. There are no less than three Federal Courts involved! For more information, go to

Web site

(Feb-13-2012) I look at your web site each day and really like the new format. Our family has gone to Bolivar each summer for over 60 years. It’s nice to be able to keep up with events there.
Dallas (ex Beaumont)

Bolivar Sand Dunes

Letter to Honorable Patrick Doyle, Commissioner, Precinct 1.

(Feb-11-2012) Commissioner Doyle: The MAIN cause of Thursday’s horrible accident that killed the 3 year old boy was that the County’s Dunes are too close to the water. FEMA and the County got most of the front row lots after ‘Ike’, the put the dunes back where they were before the hurricane when beach was lost. Now, with high tides and southeast winds the Gulf is at the bottom of the dunes, which is a normal condition. All the dunes need to be moved BACK 75′ so the road where the family was walking isn’t next to the dunes. After ‘Ike’ the County put the blue trash cans in the middle(or closer to the beach) of the washed out beach, then proceeded to build the dunes 50′ from the water at low tide! Please move the dunes back so we continue to have a useable, not dangerous, beach. Thank You and feel free to contact me on this matter.
Don Harbuck

Never far from Crystal Beach

(Feb 11-2012) My folks and I are having coffee at their place in rural Florida, looking at the neighbor’s cattle in the next field. With a wistful sigh I exhale that by this time next week we’ll be spying both cattle and coast over our morning coffee–and oil platforms and barges if we feel like it, too. I am full aware how lucky we are on Bolivar. My Yankee parents chose country fields over sand beaches, knowing it couldn’t be both. But I had the good sense to marry a Texan whose family has long, deep ties to East Texas, and the peninsula in particular.

“I wonder what’s going on at Crystal Beach,” says my dad. “Didn’t you say we’d be arriving for Mardi Gras? Get on the computer and let’s take a look.”

Now why hadn’t I thought of that? Held hostage at the office, I’ve often clicked on a Crystal Beach webcam to check out the waves.

We take a long look at the webcams and Crystal Beach Local News, clicking the links to see what’s going on and getting all excited about the Bolivar Mardi Gras parade festivities. “Never far from Crystal Beach,” he says, looking at my faraway stare. I smile. “Not close enough yet, Dad, but soon.” (Rene Gedaly)

Sand Dunes

(Feb-10-2012) The horrible accident (child killed by rolling log) near Monkhouse Thursday afternoon is ANOTHER reason the County should move the dunes off of the BEACH and not reclaim the lots those folks were forced to sell. That family was walking down the road which has to run beside the dunes. At high tides with wind there is NO BEACH or road! Remember how funny it looked when they put out the blue trash barrels 75+ YARDS away from the eroded lots after Ike and since have been building dunes out that far? MOVE THE DUNES BACK before this happens again! (Don Harbuck)

Our new beach house

(Jan-31-2012) We rebuilt after Ike and I decided to go with mid-century modern as my inspiration. Along with the cool greens and blues the beach house now has a breezy and quirky feel. I love seeing all of these photos of other’s homes! Thank you for this fun feature! (Linda Rose)

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