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Rollover Pass Fishing Report

Rollover Pass is considered one of the premier fishing spots on the upper Texas coast, and this weekly report gives a rundown of what is being caught.

Rollover Pass is located in Gilchrist, Texas, on the Bolivar peninsula, approx. 20 miles from the Bolivar ferry landing. The pass was constructed in the 1950’s connecting the Gulf of Mexico with Galveston Bay to increase the salinity of the bay and give fish easier access to spawning and feeding areas in the bay.

Rollover Pass Report, June-15 thru June-21, 2015

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Despite the effects from Tropical Storm Bill, Rollover Pass recovered quickly, providing some really great speck action for the trout wranglers. Reds and flounder were a bit slow on the comeback, but anglers were kept busy with drum, croaker, and gafftop. Flounder is a hit or miss option, but a few 18 to 20 inchers were landed.

Rollover Pass Report, June 8 thru June 14, 2015

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Off and on fishing action this past week with early week runs of redfish. Golden croaker starting to show up early with anglers catching mostly hand sized fish topped by a 15 incher. Specks were great in the surf and near the bridge due to shrimp migrating from the bay through the cut. Gafftop beginning to show up; flounder action is mostly

Rollover Pass Report, Jun-1 thru Jun-7, 2015

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Overall,it’s been a good week with early morning tides providing clear waters, tons of baitfish, and big predator fish such as bull reds, jack crevalle, spanish mackerel, gafftop, and one nice triple-tail. Redfish action was excellent during morning incoming with schooly trout showing up as well. Night-shift anglers saw trout action from

Rollover Pass Report, May 25 thru May 31, 2015

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
This past week provided excellent speckled trout action for surf and cut anglers. One speck put Rollover on the tournament map with a 28.4inch by 8.5 lb speck being the first trout weigh-in for the CCA Star event. It’s angler could win a $30-thousand dollar boat if it holds for overall. This was mostly a trout week, but other species such as

Rollover Pass Report, May 18 thru May 24, 2015

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
It’s more like SPRUNG than Spring with March Winds and April Showers getting all mixed up in May. Weathermen are blaming it on xx with anglers blaming the weather, but betwixt all this wind and rain the fishing situation at Fish Pass (when the tide is right) is speck-tacular. But WHEN is the tide right? For you bridge anglers, it is the early morning incoming

Rollover Pass Report, May 11 thru May 17, 2015

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Post storm conditions along with tide flushes put fishing back on line for anglers looking for specks and flounder. The speckled trout action warmed up on both sides of the bridge and in the surf for three to five pound fish coming in, topped with 27 to 28 inch mega-trout. The flounder pounders are once again picking up flatfish with a ratio of

Rollover Pass Report, May 4 thru May 10, 2015

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
As of this writing, strong south winds are buffeting with near gale-force winds. FOLKS, this the longest time I’ve ever seen Rollover Pass in a fishless funk. Oh, I’ve seen the cut go from good to bad back to good in only a few days, but NEVER a week long siege of nothingness. The bait is here, finger mullet, live shrimp, shad, and crabs, but the fish

Rollover Pass Report, Apr-27 thru May-3, 2015

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Although this past week plagued Rollover with freshwater runoffs on outgoing tides, the fishing action still provided some quality catches. Several nice slot reds were caught from the best Spring run I’ve seen in years, and several gator-trout from 25 to 28 were caught by anglers. The spring flounder run seemed to slack off a bit but are still

Rollover Pass Report, Apr-20 thru Apr-26, 2015

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Despite severe weekend storm conditions, fishing at the Pass was exceptional for trout, reds, and flounder. Anglers who dodged the storms and stayed put experienced good trout action, fantastic redfish, and great spring flounder runs. This coming week should see the same. (Special Note: Check Miss Nancy’s Bait Camp on Facebook

Rollover Pass Report, Apr-13 thru Apr-19, 2015

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
From Monday week through Thursday, the specks, reds, flounder, and most every other species of fish kept the anglers busy catching what they were after; but by Friday the monsoons reappeared with another spell of drenching storms leaving Rollover flushed with freshwater. As soon as incoming gulf tides re-salt bay waters, the fish should

Rollover Pass Report, April 6 thru April 12, 2015

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
What a difference a day makes- last week fair to middlin catches- and this week all heck broke loose. One Day Zero’s and one day Hero’s is what I say. This past week’s fishing action is nothing short of being downright awesome, especially for trout and reds, with many 24 to 27 inch trout and reds being caught and released, or boxed

Rollover Pass Report, Mar-30 to Apr-5, 2015

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Sporadic Fishing Action shows that when the fish want to bite they will bite; and when the fish don’t want to bite, WELL they just don’t (but then you have the hard-heads!!). This past week gave credence to the Rollover Pass epitaph of “When the Pass is good, IT’S GOOD; and when the Pass is bad, IT’S BAD”. I guess Spring vacation includes

Rollover Pass Report, Mar-23 thru Mar-29, 2015

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Rollover Pass anglers enjoyed the changes in weather and fishing over the weekend with the trout, redfish, drum, flounder, and whiting making their Spring runs. Continued improvements will all but guarantee great fishing for the upcoming Easter Holidays. So plan on making your Holiday trek to Rollover Pass to enjoy some quality fishing time

Rollover Pass Report, Mar-16 to Mar-22, 2015

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Things were heating up with the specks, reds, drum, and flounder coming out of their slump, then the monsoon hit flooding Rollover with 4 to 5 inches of rain. April showers in March, probably get the March winds in April and winters snow in May. BUT, things are ONCE AGAIN looking up for Rollover’s fishery. All we have to do is WAIT for

Rollover Pass Report, Mar 9 to Mar 15, 2015

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
These past two weeks of back to back arctic fronts with icy winds and chilled rains dropped our 70 degree waters down to 48 degrees, muting the redfish, trout, whiting, drum, and flounder bite to nil; but hopefully this week’s predictions of warmer weather will revive the fish bite back to its normal fare. We can only hope and wait folks, for August will

Rollover Pass Report, Feb-23 thru Mar-1, 2015

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
The Good, the Bad, and The Ugly visited Rollover Pass these past two weeks with the Good times providing some excellent trout action with several 25-plus inch specks caught and released along with reds, flounder, and drum. The Bad times provided a few good catches but you had to work hard and long to get them. And the Ugly blew in

Rollover Pass Report, February 2015

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Hit or Miss on the speck bite. After tiresome casting and switching baits and colors until they decide to start feeding…then it’s “Katie Bar The Door” for big and small trout with anglers asking “WHAT COLOR? CURLY OR PADDLE TAIL? SOFT OR HARD BAIT? SLOW OR FAST RETRIEVE? and so forth until they suddenly shut down! The flounder

Rollover Pass Report, Jan-1 to Feb-1, 2015

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
The following fish photos were anglers and fish catches from the month of January. I plan on posting bi-weekly fishing reports until the Rollover Pass fishery can support a weekly report. As of now, the fishing is slow but improves sporadically when weather and tides allow. Redfish, drum, whiting, and sheepshead are being caught now on a

Cold Weather Fishing

We received an email the other day from one of our readers asking, “How is fishing at Rollover during January cold weather?

We posed this question to two of the local fishing pros, and their responses may be of interest to other fishermen.


Rollover Pass Fishing Report

Ed is on vacation and will not continue regular updates until sometime in February. He headed to South Texas for some wildlife photography and fishing activity around Choke Canyon and Mustang Island.
He wishes everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR.


Rollover Pass Fishing Report

Ed is on vacation and will not continue regular updates until sometime in February. He is heading to South Texas for some wildlife photography and fishing activity around Choke Canyon and Mustang Island. He wishes everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR.

Rollover Pass Report, Dec 8 – Dec 14, 2014

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
This year’s flounder run had its ups and downs with most flounder moving through the cut in sporadic spurts due to warming and chilling trends. The larger females in the saddle blanket category should be migrating well into late December and early January. We’ve survived the 2 per day limits of the last six weeks; as of Monday (Dec-15) the limits are

Rollover Pass Report, Dec 1 – Dec 7, 2014

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
The flounder are still actively moving through the pass on their way to the Gulf, but very few of these are the saddle blankets from 25 inches up. We expect these larger females will start passing through during mid-December, which will be after the 2 per day limits revert back to the five flounder per day bag limits. The reds and drum are still very active

Rollover Pass Fishing Report, Nov 24 – Nov 30, 2014

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
This past week of Thanksgiving provided excellent weather and fishing for visitors and anglers alike. Surf, pass, and bay waders had fun catching their favorite species. Flounder, drum, redfish, croaker, whiting, sheepshead, and trout were all on the menu’s of success. Even those who chose just to relax under the warmth of the Autumn sun to read a

Rollover Pass Fishing Report, Nov 17 – Nov 23, 2014

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Despite icy weather creeping in to stun the flounder, the flatfish quickly recovered to continue their Fall spawning run. Flounder were caught from 14 inch to a 25 inch saddle blanket weighing 6.5 lbs. Nice slot and bull redfish also made a good showing with anglers boxing several to 44inches. The main flounder run has been active from 8 am through

Rollover Pass Fishing Report, Nov 10 – Nov 16, 2014

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
The flounder run is definitely on BUT chilly arctic winds blowing in last week STUNNED the flat-fish, making them bury deep when the water temp dropped 10 degrees. But weekend tides coming from warmer bay waters helped recover the flounder for another run. Bull-Reds and Bull-Drum were active and speckled trout are popping pods of

Rollover Pass Fishing Report, Nov 3 – Nov 9, 2014

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Despite variable weather conditions going from heat to rain and chill then back to heat again, the fishing at Rollover has been steady. The flounder run is top priority for most anglers but speckled trout and redfish are still providing action for those who seek both. Night-shift and day-shift anglers are reaping their rewards; same for bay waders

Rollover Pass Fishing Report, Oct 27 – Nov 2, 2014

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Cooling waters insure hotter fishing action at Rollover Pass for flounder, reds, and speckled trout as pods of shrimp pass thru to the Gulf. BUT anglers beware as the 2 flounder per day conservation phase kicked in on Saturday (Nov-1). This conservation phase for flounder will be November l through December 15 before reverting back to the

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