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Ed Snyder/Outdoors

Fishing The Night-Shift

night_0By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Rollover Pass on Bolivar Peninsula, TX.

The quietness of the Coleman Lantern is all but gone now, replaced by a more noisy, smelly, and luminous age of high technology. Just pay a visit to Rollover Pass on any given summery night and you’ll be greeted by a small city of lights with its residents standing elbow to elbow casting into

Bolivar EMS Rescues Rollover Angler

EMS0By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Monday, May 26, 2014
Responding to a 911 call from Rollover Pass, Bolivar Peninsula EMS assisted an injured angler who was punctured by a hard-head catfish. The elderly fisherman had been stuck by a hardhead’s poisonous barb which immediately caused great pain and an allergic

Surf Walking

surf_0By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Turning to see what was “whooshing” up behind me proved to be a nasty surprise, with my wide open mouth gulping the wash of a cresting five foot wave. Choking, coughing, and sneezing briny waters from my nose, mouth, and ears back to whence it came, I made a quick mental note; “DO NOT turn into incoming waves with open mouth agape!”

Wounded Warriors Cruise Bolivar

warriors00By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Saturday, May 17, 2014-Rollover Pass, TX
Approximately sixty Wounded Warriors arrived from Houston at Rollover Pass in Gilchrist TX, Saturday morning to take part in a Wounded Warrior Project bike-a-thon. The WWP group started at Rollover Pass (Gilchrist) with its finish targeted for Fort Travis (near the Ferry landing). But

Springtime Flounder? – UBETCHA!

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Fishing at Rollover Pass, Tarkington Prairie, TX, angler Frank Bunyard, was hoping to catch something on the finger mullet he just cast out. He soon got his wish when something hit his live bait hard and fast. “The way the fish was fighting, stated Frank, I figured it was a big redfish, but when the redfish suddenly popped up on the surface wildly shaking

The Running of the Bulls – “Texas Style”

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Bolivar Peninsula, TX.
It’s not hard to spot the excitement of someone catching big fish at Rollover Pass, just watch for long handled nets following excited crowds of onlookers watching nervous anglers with bowed-over rods. Oft-times, the big fish may be a large gator trout, doormat flounder, or an oversize

Gator Specks of Rollover

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Rollover Pass, Bolivar Peninsula, TX
Just landing and releasing two nice speckled trout made my early morning fishing a plus factor with adrenalin rushes. On flipping out another cast and retrieve my awake was jolted with a sudden and violent “TIC” !! The explosion of water that followed showed a shaking head of a fish in the middle

Whiting – Kings of the Surf

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Fishing reports advised the whiting were biting in the surf along Rollover’s beachfront, and with nothing much happening anywhere else, a trip was quickly planned for some hopefully active surf fishing action that would put a few whiting on the fish fry menu. Arriving on Rollover Pass beach the following morning, I was treated to an amazing sunrise and pleasantly surprised to find the surf flat. Driving down the beach

2800 Casts

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
It all started with a close encounter with a Dolphin. It was my final day of a fishing trip and after some strenuous fishing action for speckled sea trout, I decided to take a break to enjoy a more relaxing day photographing some outdoor scenes for my photo file. Standing on “the wall” at 8:00 am, I spotted a dolphin moving in fast, chasing

Purple Heart Bassin’

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Braving enemy fire to occupy a critical firing position the young soldier engaged and neutralized six insurgents at close range. Then the soldier, still under relentless fire, ran into a burning vehicle to retrieve an automatic weapon to successfully defend his platoon’s position, bringing great credit to himself, and to the 1st Calvary Division. Meet Clayton Carver, 1st Calvary vet, family man,

The Birds Of Autumn

By Ed Snyder Outdoors
Bolivar Peninsula, TX.

Piercing bird cries and splashing alerted me to the melee! One minute I was casting sea-grass looking for a bite and the next I was at full throttle looking for a fight! A gaggle of shrieking, feeding seagulls diving over the salty expanses of Galveston’s East Bay was my focal point. Running

Surfing for Bulls

By Ed Snyder Outdoors
Gilchrist on Bolivar Peninsula, TX.
A leisurely rolling surf lulled me into an almost peaceful trance with its almost hypnotic sounds and vistas of diving sea birds, trawling shrimp boats, and shimmering surf. Then my peaceful interlude quickly changed from quiet bliss to a “keystone comedy” in 2.6 seconds with screeching

September’s Croaker Frenzy

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Rollover Pass, Gilchrist on Bolivar, TX.
Small in size but HUGE in popularity as a food fish…then enter the FUN factor into the equation and the croaker becomes a key ingredient for fishing folks when explaining the annual phenomenon of the Autumn’s Golden Croaker run here at Rollover Pass.

Fishing Report For Aug 26 through Sept 2, 2013

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
After the rain, the heat came, then the tides left and we were down to two a day. Despite all these negatives, the pass was still the place to be for fishing, catching, crabbing, and just plain relaxing. The golden croaker were beginning to bite the hooks of those who enjoy great fun and great eating. So too are the redfish with slots and bulls chasing the

Fishing Report For August 13 through August 19, 2013

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Hot and Cool weather also tells the tale of last weeks angling with hot action being replaced by cool action. Speckled trout were still the #1 item on the anglers menu but a few nice reds came in for the redfish anglers. Rollover’s not far off from its annual Redfish and Golden Croaker runs that should start by the 2nd week of September. Then the long awaited

Rescue At Rollover II

By EdSnyder/Outdoors
Rollover Pass, TX, On Bolivar Peninsula
A family kayaking trip to Rollover Pass almost ended in tragedy when a father and his two sons decided to Kayak out into the Gulf of Mexico. Jin Choi of Austin, along with his two sons, Paul and John, launched their Kayak’s off the beach east of Rollover Pass right into the teeth of an

Rescue at Rollover Pass

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
7-24-13 Gilchrist on Bolivar Peninsula, TX
It only takes a split second from a bad decision for disaster to envelope your life, as learned by Steve Dunn of Cleveland, TX. “I was wading out into the surf to fish for speckled trout,” stated Steve Dunn, explaining that the specks were biting pretty good at the Pass and he wanted to get in

Poppin’ Cork Magic

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Bolivar Peninsula, TX.
EARLY is always better, especially when fishing in the summer months. I’ve just arrived at one of my favorite fishing spots on East Galveston Bay, where the salt-grass is alive with the mornings activity of bait-fish fleeing the maws of hungry fish. This morning I chose to use

From Tattered to Treasured

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
I’m Tattered, Torn, and worn, ready to be retired.
Now I am a treasure given to you by a grateful nation,
who honors you for your service and sacrifice.
Because of YOU
I was able to fly over the land of the FREE.
Thank You for Your Service.

Fishing Report Week ending May 26

By Ed Snyder
Summary: EXCELLENT Trout action for the surf waders this past week with several 4 to 8 lb specks coming in with a 9 and 10 lb speck caught and released. One 28 inch 8lb-13oz speck was weighed in at Stingaree Marina for the Star Tournament. Rollover bay came alive for the flounder anglers that wade-fished, taking several limits of the flatfish

A Bit of Twine & Chicken Necks = Blue Claw Fun

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Gilchrist at Bolivar Peninsula, TX
The line “twitched” slightly before coming taut against the tide. Fingering it found persistent pulls on the other end, “crab” I whispered to no one in particular while slowly pulling line in with one hand and grabbing my dip-net with the other. Within seconds a crabby hard-shelled critter with

Of Spears, Stones, and Swimming Critters “A History of Angling”

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Since man first decided to catch and eat swimming critters of the sea they either chunked stones or threw makeshift spears to catch their supper. Fast forward a few years and man’s tools evolved into fishing rods with stones morphing into fishing tackle for catching those swimming critters. 

Fishing Report For Mar 4 to Mar 11, 2013

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors

Summary: Back to back cold fronts with up and down water temps controlling the bite.  Good reports on specks and reds when up but no reports when down.  Plenty of drum and sheeps head keeping anglers busy.

Fishing Report and Tide Chart Feb 17 through Feb 25 2013

By Ed Snyder Outdoors
This past weeks fishing produced mostly reds, drum, sheepshead, and flounder with the reds and drum mainly hitting on the Gulf side with the flounder, sheeps-head, and some reds and drum hitting on the bay side.  No speck action after weds of last week but when they were in a few nice ones were caught.

Fishing report and tide chart for Rollover Pass Feb 9, 2013

Summary: Fishing this previous week brought ups and downs on fishing, but the redfish were consistant with plenty of Bulls and slots caught.  Wardens visited the pass and wrote up anglers for over sized reds over sized drum, and no fishing licenses. Speckled trout are beginning to show up on the bayside with a few nice trout to 8lbs being caught on plastics.  Drum and sheepshead fill out the rest of the catch with

Fishing Report & Tide Chart For Rollover Pass TX Feb 4 to Feb 11, 2013

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Summary: First report for 2013; Mainly hit or miss at the Pass right now with the surf temps shifting from winter to spring. The magic temp is 68 degrees.  As of now temps are fluctuating in the 50/60s. But when bait passes thru the cut the bite improves. Previous runs saw flounder, reds, drum, sand trout, sheepshead, with a few specks showing up. But now

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