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Tide Report-Rollover Pass

Rollover Pass Fishing Report

Ed is on vacation and will not continue regular updates until sometime in February. He is heading to South Texas for some wildlife photography and fishing activity around Choke Canyon and Mustang Island. He wishes everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR.

Rollover Pass Report, Dec 8 – Dec 14, 2014

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
This year’s flounder run had its ups and downs with most flounder moving through the cut in sporadic spurts due to warming and chilling trends. The larger females in the saddle blanket category should be migrating well into late December and early January. We’ve survived the 2 per day limits of the last six weeks; as of Monday (Dec-15) the limits are

Rollover Pass Report, Dec 1 – Dec 7, 2014

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
The flounder are still actively moving through the pass on their way to the Gulf, but very few of these are the saddle blankets from 25 inches up. We expect these larger females will start passing through during mid-December, which will be after the 2 per day limits revert back to the five flounder per day bag limits. The reds and drum are still very active

Rollover Pass Fishing Report, Nov 24 – Nov 30, 2014

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
This past week of Thanksgiving provided excellent weather and fishing for visitors and anglers alike. Surf, pass, and bay waders had fun catching their favorite species. Flounder, drum, redfish, croaker, whiting, sheepshead, and trout were all on the menu’s of success. Even those who chose just to relax under the warmth of the Autumn sun to read a

Rollover Pass Fishing Report, Nov 17 – Nov 23, 2014

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Despite icy weather creeping in to stun the flounder, the flatfish quickly recovered to continue their Fall spawning run. Flounder were caught from 14 inch to a 25 inch saddle blanket weighing 6.5 lbs. Nice slot and bull redfish also made a good showing with anglers boxing several to 44inches. The main flounder run has been active from 8 am through

Rollover Pass Fishing Report, Nov 10 – Nov 16, 2014

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
The flounder run is definitely on BUT chilly arctic winds blowing in last week STUNNED the flat-fish, making them bury deep when the water temp dropped 10 degrees. But weekend tides coming from warmer bay waters helped recover the flounder for another run. Bull-Reds and Bull-Drum were active and speckled trout are popping pods of

Rollover Pass Fishing Report, Nov 3 – Nov 9, 2014

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Despite variable weather conditions going from heat to rain and chill then back to heat again, the fishing at Rollover has been steady. The flounder run is top priority for most anglers but speckled trout and redfish are still providing action for those who seek both. Night-shift and day-shift anglers are reaping their rewards; same for bay waders

Rollover Pass Fishing Report, Oct 27 – Nov 2, 2014

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Cooling waters insure hotter fishing action at Rollover Pass for flounder, reds, and speckled trout as pods of shrimp pass thru to the Gulf. BUT anglers beware as the 2 flounder per day conservation phase kicked in on Saturday (Nov-1). This conservation phase for flounder will be November l through December 15 before reverting back to the

Rollover Pass Fishing Report, Oct 20 – Oct 26, 2014

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
The extended Indian summer weather was a definite plus factor for anglers visiting Rollover Pass for the Annual Fall Flounder run. Many flounder are being caught but only a few keepers are being boxed. This next cool down at the end of the week should get the larger females running- BUT- Dredging in November when the flounder limit drops from

Rollover Pass Fishing Report, Oct 13 – Oct 19, 2014

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Beautiful Texas Fall like weather has finally embraced Rollover Pass, and along with it hoards of anglers looking for the fun of catching fish. Golden croaker, redfish, and flounder are providing items of fun along with whiting, speckled trout, and drum. Predicted cool fronts will further guarantee the promise of “Fish Pass” as finicky critters make their

Rollover Pass Fishing Report, Oct 6 – Oct 12, 2014

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
With summer-like conditions returning last week and with it summer-like fishing patterns, night-time again became the right time for anglers fishing under lights. This week’s cool down from the cold front should revitalize day time fishing action. Mostly the smaller male flounder were actively moving through the pass on their way to Gulf

Rollover Pass Fishing Report, Sept 29 – Oct 5, 2014

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
The adversity of weather this past week regulated the ups and downs of the fishing meter. But the cool front this weekend made it all come together with several species such as redfish, flounder, drum, speckled trout, and golden croaker making strong runs. Especially the golden croaker run that put hand sized to man sized critters in angler

Rollover Pass Fishing Report, Sept 22 – Sept 28, 2014

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
We had a celebrity here at the pass this weekend as Actress Susie Stillwell of Los Angeles, Star of the Star Trek series as Klingon Princes Horokd-Rah. Miss Stillwell was here spending time with her Houston family fishing at Rollover Pass. Redfish in the surf and cut have been the key for some great fishing action. Golden croaker are now coming

Rollover Pass Fishing Report, Sept 15 – Sept 21, 2014

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
The redfish run is still producing rats, slots, and bulls for both day and night anglers. Recent rain runoffs have not hit the pass as of this writing, so can’t predict the outcome. Specks are mainly a night shift activity but surf waders are finding a few up and down the surf as well as in the cut around the bridge. Golden croaker are beginning to show up in

Rollover Pass Fishing Report, Sept 8 – Sept 14, 2014

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
The Redfish run is on folks providing both day and night action. This spot-tail fishing action should last 2 to 3 weeks. Flounder action is hit or miss right now with 1 out of 5 being a keeper. Specs are still around but smaller averages with some 20-plus inchers near the bridge and in the surf. Shark action is heating up with plenty of stringer snipers

Rollover Pass Fishing Report, Sept 1 – Sept 7, 2014

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
The fishing action really turned on this past week with anglers catching redfish, trout, and flounder. Early runs of reds and flounder seem to be occurring for the cut, the surf, and the bay. Included in the action were great runs of spanish mackerel, skip-jack, sand trout, black drum, with a scattering of pompano. The flounder are beginning to show

Rollover Pass Fishing Report, Aug 26 – Aug 31, 2014

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Heat, wind, and fire were dampened by lots of rain to finish out the week here at Rollover, but despite a previous slow down on fishing action, the Labor Day weekend saw early runs of redfish that normally wouldn’t occur until mid-September. Along with the early run of spot-tails were croaker, bull whiting, sand and gulf trout, drum,

Rollover Pass Fishing Report, Aug 18 – Aug 24, 2014

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
This past week’s fishing action started out slow but improved with each tidal flush. The key to positive fishing action is EARLY and LATE. Night shift action is fair to good according where you set your lights. Day time action occurring from 6 am through noon for the Gulf side or Bay side bridge anglers and bay waders. Surf is giving up some bull reds to

Rollover Pass Fishing Report, Aug 11 – Aug 17, 2014

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Wild and wooley incidents occurred here at the pass this past week. We had one wade angler stepping on a stingray while fishing the surf causing him great pain and heading for the hospital for surgery and treatments. Another wader mounted a piling to fish for trout, and not long after loading his stringer a big shark chomped onto his trout, yanking

Rollover Pass Fishing Report, July 28 – Aug 3, 2014

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Despite last week’s rain events and off color tides, the Pass recovered nicely with sandy green tides attracting TONS of baitfish with a scattering of shrimp. BIG TROUT in the cut 6 pm Saturday feeding on large shad. Many catches were boxed. Night-shift AND Day-shift anglers were enjoying the feeding spree of trout and reds. Surf waders having fun

Rollover Pass Fishing Report, July 21 – July 27, 2014

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
The beginning of last week proved to be the peak of fishing action for trout, reds, and flounder. Then mid-week monsoon rains put the kabawsh on the action. As of Sunday, the fishing action still hasn’t improved, but night-shift anglers had some good to great action. Hopefully this weeks flushing tides will clear the bad water out and bring the

Rollover Pass Fishing Report, July 14 – July 20, 2014

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Monsoon rains conditioned the bite for Rollover last week with INCHES of the wet stuff dumped on our area. But now, as we start evaporating into our humidities for the dry out phase, the already wet fish are coming out to play. Reds, drum, whiting, croaker, and flounder are making their angler encores with the spotlight zeroing in on the speckled trout. The cut

Rollover Pass Fishing Report, July 7 – July 13, 2014

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors

Summer is definitely here and along with it are the summer fishing patterns. The most action is occurring at night under the lights of the night-shift anglers. Daytime activity is mainly limited to the morning bite but changing tides throughout the day provides enough action to keep it interesting.


Rollover Pass Fishing Report, June 30 – July 6, 2014

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Hit or miss action all week with mostly the incoming tides producing speck and sandy action for night-shift anglers with surf or cut speck action for the day-shifters. Flounder were steady but not plentiful along bay-side bulkheads and rollover bay. Anglers enjoyed an unusually cool July 4th weekend with North and Northeast winds. The weeds are still

Rollover Pass Fishing Report, June 23 – June 29, 2014

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
As they say, “Some day heroes” and “Some day Zeroes”. And so went the Pass! The beginning of the week found trout anglers, both day and night, hooking up with some great trout action. But then the second half of the week found dirty tides filled with tons of weeds with high winds adding to the down-swing. Only smallish low quality fish were being caught

Rollover Pass Fishing Report, June 16 – June 22, 2014

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Weeds are still a problem at Rollover but anglers are learning to deal with it. Surf waders are learning to fish the edges of weed mats to catch their specks and bulkhead anglers within the cut are getting around the problem as well…like the two seasoned flounder pounders who punch holes in the grass to drop their baits in to catch flatties. We don’t know

Rollover Pass Fishing Report, June 9 – June 15, 2014

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
This past week had its ups and downs but it looks like an upswing is now occurring with improved fishing action. Specks and sand trout are showing up in numbers for the night-shift anglers. Day-shifters are enjoying improved fishing for surf-waders angling for specks. Cut anglers are seeing a revived Bull Drum fishery along with Gafftop,

Rollover Pass Fishing Report, June 2-June 8, 2014

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
The first part of the week anglers were hampered by matted sea weeds that almost filled the pass; then anglers found ways to fish the grass mats which slowly gave up some quality specks and flounder. Most of the trout action was out front in the gulf with surf anglers and pole sitters catching near limits of quality trout. Bay side bulkheads also

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