Jim Malain, Customer Service Manager for Entergy Texas, hosted a Community Advisory Panel on Wednesday January 24 to provide an update on the Bolivar Peninsula Reliability Project. This project is part of Entergy-Texas’ ongoing efforts to improve service on Bolivar Peninsula. A combination of new construction and equipment upgrades will address the load growth increase and improve grid reliability.
2 new elevated substations rated for 150 mph winds (Palms and Port Bolivar)
Corrosion mitigation – stainless steel enclosures
Upgrades to 3 existing substations
25 miles of new 34.5KV feeder line
Self healing networks
Palms Substation: foundations are complete, chain wall and slabs installed
Port Bolivar Substation: pile driving complete, begin setting chain wall
High Island Substation: new transformer installed, firewall installed

Palms Substation and Port Bolivar Substation
Planned in 4 phases
Construction started, Port Bolivar to Blue Water

Distribution line construction and High Island transformer
Substation construction complete, Q2-2024
Distribution line construction complete, Q1-2025
For more information and updates, visit the
Bolivar Peninsula Reliability Project webpage