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Playing Poker by Golf Cart

pokerrun-0(8-7-2017) The 5th Annual Lions Club Golf Cart Poker Run on Saturday had a record breaking turnout with over 630 entries to try their hand at Poker by Golf Cart. The gamblers piled into 275 golf carts, and many were elaborately decorated in hopes of winning one of the Best Decorated trophies. Starting at Coconuts/Bamboo Beach Bar, players signed in to receive a t-shirt, the rules, and draw their first card…and begin their adventures with one of the famous Bamboo Bloody Marys.


Promptly at 10am, the carts started across the highway to parade along the beach to the next stop, Tiki Beach Bar & Grill. The line of golf carts was so long that by the time the last cart left Coconuts, the first carts were arriving at Tiki. What a traffic jam! It takes a while for 275 golf carts to cross the highway.


Players were then greeted at Tiki with yummy food trays, and of course the famous Tiki Bloody Marys. After drawing a card, they were off again to the Eagles. At the Eagles, players were presented with endless snack trays, plenty of fun and games, and naturally, the famous Eagles Bloody Marys. They were handed another card, then proceeded on a short ride to the next stop at Steve’s Landing. At Steve’s everyone gathered downstairs in the cool shade to have another favorite beverage, and draw a card.


The longest leg of the event followed, with the entire line of carts parading down the beach like a summertime Mardi Gras, throwing candy and beads to the cheering crowds as they drove to the final stop – Stingaree. Participants drew a fifth card to fill out their poker hand and gathered on the huge outside deck, listening to DJ music until the live auction began. The Lions Club auctioned several donated items including “Principal for the Day” at Crenshaw School and “Grand Marshall” status for next year’s Poker Run. Following the auction, the first trophy was awarded to Mike Spiller, for Longest Distance Traveled to participate in the Poker Run, all the way from Wasila, Alaska.


The Most Participants In One Group trophy went to a group from the north Houston area, with a grand total of 19 players. First Place for Best Decorated Golf Cart went to Poker Run Express Covered Wagon, Second was awarded to Flintstones Car, and Third to Ursula. And finally, First Place to the Best Poker Hand went to Rich Fleer with a 4-of-a-Kind, Second Place was Vicki Callaway with a Full House, and Third Place was Ellen Pruett, also with a Full House.


Congratulations to the winners of this year’s Golf Cart Poker Run. A big thanks goes to all the golf cart poker players, the local participants, and the Lions Club for making this fun event possible again this year. All funds raised go to Crenshaw School and High Island School for school supplies this year.


Mike Spiller won the Longest Distance Traveled trophy, all the way from Wasila, Alaska

Mike Spiller won the Longest Distance Traveled trophy, all the way from Wasila, Alaska

Winners of the Most Participants in One Group trophy, all 19 of them

Winners of the Most Participants in One Group trophy, all 19 of them

Best Poker Hand-First Place: Rich Fleer with 4 of a kind

Best Poker Hand-First Place: Rich Fleer with 4 of a kind

Best Poker Hand-Second Place: Vicki Callaway with a full house

Best Poker Hand-Second Place: Vicki Callaway with a full house

Best Poker Hand-Third Place: Ellen Pruett with a full house

Best Poker Hand-Third Place: Ellen Pruett with a full house

Best Decorated-First Place: Poker Run Express Covered Wagon

Best Decorated-First Place: Poker Run Express Covered Wagon

Best Decorated-Second Place: Flintstones Car

Best Decorated-Second Place: Flintstones Car

Best Decorated-Third Place: Ursula

Best Decorated-Third Place: Ursula




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