{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\nouicompat\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}} {\*\generator Riched20 6.2.9200}\viewkind4\uc1 \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\f0\fs22\lang9 Fishing Report For -April-8-Thru- April-15-2013\par By Ed Snyder/Outdoors\par Note; This past week saw anglers catching quality specks from 4 to 8plus lbs- and with the surf temp FINALLY warming up the speck activity will only get better- NIGHT ANGLERS MAN YOUR GENERATORS- Unusual for this time of year were the pompano catches- these excellent table fish have been showing up on clear water tides- Large sand trout have also been filling angler coolers for those family fish fries- It's time to go fishing folks!\par \b Speckled Trout \b0 -Warming surf helped to kick up the trout activity with anglers catching several trout from 3 to 8plus lbs- nightfishing for trout is also on the increase-(Limits- 15inch minimum for 10 trout perday with only one 25inch trout per day allowed as part of your daily limit)-\par \b Redfish-(Red Drum)- \b0 Redfish slow but steady with anglers cacthing slots and bulls from the surf and the cut from 4 to 40 lbs- - (Limits- 20inches minimum to 28inch maximum for 3 reds perday- one over 28inch red allowed when tagged and as a part of your 3 fish limit)-\par \b Black Drum- \b0 Drum activity still producing plenty of slot drum for those family fish fries -(14inch minimum to 30inch maximum for 5 fish perday with one OVER 52inches allowed when a part of your daily limit)-\par \b Flounder- \b0 Slow but steady flounder being caught mostly from bayside bulkheads on live minnows, live shrimp, or berkley gulps- \b \b0 -(14inch minimum for 5 fish perday)-\par \b Sheepshead-\b0 slow- -(Limit- 15inch minimum with 5 per day Creel)-\par \b Gafftop Catfish- \b0 gafftop beginning to show -(14inch minimum for no limit creel)-\par \b Whiting/Croaker- \b0 excellent whiting in the surf as well as the pass -(No Limit)-\par \b Sandtrout/Gulftrout-\b0 still seeing good sandies in the cut - (No Limits)\par \b Blue Claw Crab- \b0 A few good blueClaw coming in for those crab boils\ul\b \ulnone\b0 -( 5inches between points with no berry crabs-(females with eggs)- allowed)-\par \b Stone Crabs- \b0 Stones gathering up on the rocks in the eddys\ul\b \ulnone\b0 -(limit- only right claw may be kept when 2 1/2 inches above first nuckle-\par Sting-a-ree bait camp reportd good red and trout action in east bay grass and shell reefs-\par This report sponsored by Miss Nancy's Bait Camp- Crystal Beach Local News- and Stingaree Bait Camp- NOTICE- Live Shrimp Now Available at both Stingaree and Miss Nancy's bait camps.\par Special Note- Stingaree Bait Camp is now open 7 days - Sat/Sun weekends from 6am to 4pm- Miss Nancy's Bait Camp is Now Open 7 days - Fri-Sat-Sun- at 6am to 6pm-\par \par \par \par Tides for Rollover Pass, East Bay TX, starting with April 8, 2013.\par \par Day High Tide Height Sunrise Moon Time % Moon\par /Low Time Feet Sunset Visible\par \par M 8 Low 12:53 AM 0.3 6:59 AM Rise 5:43 AM 7\par 8 High 8:21 AM 1.3 7:41 PM Set 6:20 PM\par 8 Low 1:34 PM 0.3\par 8 High 8:12 PM 1.1\par \par Tu 9 Low 1:25 AM 0.2 6:58 AM Rise 6:19 AM 2\par 9 High 9:21 AM 1.4 7:41 PM Set 7:17 PM\par 9 Low 2:20 PM 0.4\par 9 High 8:31 PM 1.1\par \par W 10 Low 1:56 AM 0.1 6:57 AM Rise 6:56 AM 0\par 10 High 10:15 AM 1.4 7:42 PM Set 8:14 PM\par 10 Low 3:02 PM 0.5\par 10 High 8:48 PM 1.1\par \par Th 11 Low 2:28 AM 0.1 6:56 AM Rise 7:34 AM 0\par 11 High 11:06 AM 1.4 7:42 PM Set 9:09 PM\par 11 Low 3:41 PM 0.6\par 11 High 9:04 PM 1.2\par \par F 12 Low 3:00 AM 0.1 6:55 AM Rise 8:15 AM 2\par 12 High 11:55 AM 1.4 7:43 PM Set 10:03 PM\par 12 Low 4:16 PM 0.6\par 12 High 9:15 PM 1.2\par \par Sa 13 Low 3:33 AM 0.1 6:53 AM Rise 8:58 AM 5\par 13 High 12:45 PM 1.4 7:44 PM Set 10:56 PM\par 13 Low 4:49 PM 0.6\par 13 High 9:19 PM 1.2\par \par Su 14 Low 4:10 AM 0.1 6:52 AM Rise 9:43 AM 11\par 14 High 1:39 PM 1.4 7:44 PM Set 11:45 PM\par 14 Low 5:22 PM 0.6\par 14 High 9:00 PM 1.2\par \par M 15 Low 4:51 AM 0.1 6:51 AM Rise 10:31 AM 17\par 15 High 2:38 PM 1.3 7:45 PM starting with April 8, 2013.\par \par \par }