3rd Annual Lions Club Golf Cart Poker Run
(8-3-2015) The Lions Club began greeting folks before 8am at Hardheads Icehouse & Grill, processing registrations, passing out t-shirts and caps, and dealing the first card to the participants. The golf carts lined up in neat rows across the lot next to Hardheads. The Poker Run took off promptly at 10 am…532 participants playing poker (not to mention those not playing poker) and 238 golf carts. A phenomenal crowd, practically doubled from last year’s Poker Run. A phone call was made to Tiki Beach Bar & Grill, the second stop along the route, to let them know what to expect. After Tiki, another trip down the beach to the Eagles, and then on to Steve’s Landing. At each stop, participants drew another card in hopes of having the best poker hand. The final stop was Stingaree Down Under where the last card was drawn.
All proceeds from this event go to the schools of Bolivar for school supplies – Crenshaw Elementary & Middle School and High Island School. A huge thank you to all the sponsors, all the donations for the auction and raffles and all the volunteers who make this event possible. Thanks to the participating restaurants for welcoming the huge crowd: Hardheads Icehouse & Grill, Tiki Beach Bar & Grill, The Eagles, Steve’s Landing and Stingaree Restaurant. And, most of all, thanks to all the participants who gave so generously to support this worthwhile cause!
Winners are pictured below…and CLICK HERE for the Photo Gallery

First Place Poker Hand – Taylor James (5 Queens)

Second Place Poker Hand – Dianne Ledger (5 Jacks)

Third Place Poker Hand – Vicki Giddens (Straight Flush)

First Place Best Decorated Cart – Hula Girl

Second Place Best Decorated Cart – Pirate Poker

Third Place Best Decorated Cart – Hunting Aces

Largest Group – Spring Stragglers

Raffle Winner – Don and Donna Wolsey
Posted on the Bolivar Peninsula Lions Facebook page:
By Franks Chambers-Vice President
Thanks to all for helping the Bolivar Peninsula Lions Club set new records in fund raising for our annual Golf Cart Poker Run! Over 551 registered and well over 200 carts. We’re overwhelmed by our community’s support. We had a few snafu’s including some pre-registered participants not getting t-shirt/cap, or not getting the right size. We’re truly sorry for that. Hopefully next year we’ll be able to have a better idea of how many to expect. We have to order shirts/caps well in advance of the event and guess as best we can about how many we’ll need. Last year we had a little over 300 participants, so this year almost doubled! We thank you all for your participation, we thank the sponsors for their generosity and we thank those who participated in the auction and raffle. As a result of everyone’s combined effort, we were able to raise enough money to cover all school supplies for every child attending school next year on the Peninsula! Peninsula residents and guests are AWESOME!!
(This article published 8/3/2015)
BRAVO! Congratulations on your wonderful and successful Poker Run. The Lions are a fantastic group who do so much good for our community.
Marcel and Linda C. Elissalde