This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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On The Beach

Ghost Shrimp

Have you ever been fishing at the beach and you run out of bait? You wish you had live shrimp? Well, do as Jamie Greer does and capture Ghost Shrimp, using a special sand pump, called a “slurp gun”. Look for the small burrow holes near the water’s edge…you’ve seen them before. Place the slurp gun over the burrow hole and pull the handle. The sand is sucked up into the barrel. Pull the pump out

Seaweed removal, a continuous operation

It happens every year. Large chunks of seaweed break away from the Sargasso Sea and drift with the currents into the Gulf of Mexico. The Sargassum weed is transported by the gulf stream to the Texas coast, typically in the spring and early summer months, and washes up in huge deposits on the beach. Rich in sealife, the weed starts to decay on the beach, and residents and visitors want it

Attorney General ruling…whether off road vehicles may be legally operated on a public beach…

The AG released his opinion that counties do not have the authority to register off road vehicles or an all-terrain vehicle for personal use on beaches. It specifically states:

SUMMARY: Whether an all-terrain vehicle or recreational off-highway vehicle may be lawfully operated on a public beach or a particular area of a public beach cannot be answered categorically without reference to particular

Bunker Up Fishin’ blasting away

Dan Triano, inventor of The Sand Blaster Bait Caster, was on the beach this weekend demonstrating his patented new product. This incredible fishing apparatus from Bunker Up Fishin’ can launch bait up to 300 yards out into the gulf, where the big fish are!

You start by attaching the frozen bait and weight to

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