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A Story of Death and Taxes
by Don Poole

Update (Feb-08-2012): An attorney from Iowa has contacted the Galveston County Delinquent Attorney concerning Suzanne Grant. He knew her and will contact her family members to inform them of the proceeds that are awaiting their claim. The local attorney was told that the Iowa attorney learned of the Excess Funds from an Iowa newspaper. Congratulations to all who helped.

Everyone knows that there are two things that we cannot escape – death and taxes. This is a story about how both death and taxes are costing the surviving family members of a Crystal Beach owner more than $20,000.

On June 28, 2005, Erma Taylor sold Lot 13 of Cloon Subdivision Section 5 to Suzanne M. Grant of 5108 Huisache Drinve in Bellaire, Texas. The property, located at 847 Sea Spray Drive, had a house assessed for $ 96,440. Ms. Grant did not enjoy her beach home for very long, she died on July 13, 2008 at age 64.

While Ms. Grant was spared the ordeal of Hurricane Ike, the same cannot be said of her beach house. Probably destroyed by the storm, the lot was assessed as vacant property in 2009 by the…Central Appraisal District. The CAD had the mailing address for Ms. Grant of 325 SW3rd Street in Ogden, Iowa. No one paid the taxes and the property was sold at Tax Foreclosure Auction for $25,000. Since the minimum bid was $3,500, the $21,500 in excess funds would go to the former owner – the heirs of Ms. Suzanne Grant.

But since Ms. Grant has passed away, the money would have to be claimed by her heirs who would have to make application to the court for the funds. Since the only name the CAD, the County Tax Office and the Delinquent Tax Attorneys had was Suzanne Grant, there was no way to determine the names and locations of her heirs. This means that her heirs have no knowledge that $21,500 is awaiting them. But the money will not wait long. The court will hold the money for two years at which time the funds will be given to the taxing jurisdictions. This money will not escheat to the State of Texas, this money will never appear on a list of unclaimed property in the newspaper.

If the family does not make claim within two years, the money will be gone forever.

Anyone who has knowledge of Suzanne Grant and how to contact her family is encouraged to contact them immediately. However, state law prohibits anyone who is not an attorney from collecting a fee from her family.

(I am not soliciting any business from anyone and do not wish to be quoted in any manner that would imply or be inferred that I am seeking to render any service or seeking compensation for this information-Don Poole)

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