Community News
Bolivar “Lighthouses”
Houston has Art Cows, Bolivar has Lighthouses
By Brenda Flanagan
The Bolivar Peninsula Cultural Foundation held their “Lighthouse” unveiling at Stingaree Downunder on Sunday, December 2. The BPCF is working with a statuary in Odem, Texas to produce these 3-foot and 6-foot replicas of our Bolivar Lighthouse. We would like to see
Turtle eggs recovered on Crystal Beach
Last Tuesday morning, sea turtle tracks were found on the beach near barrel 84 in front of Sandpiper Subdivision. This was immediately reported to the Sea Turtle Network hotline, and faculty and students from Texas A&M-Galveston, along with members of Turtle Island Restoration Network (TIRN) came to Bolivar to search for the nest. A short time later, a second set of tracks were discovered near
Proudly They Serve (It’s a Family Tradition)
By Linda Elissalde
Laughter, tears, joy, remembrances, music from 3 WAY SWITCH, good food and lots of visiting created a perfect atmosphere for Technical Sergeant Darren Moody’s Retirement Party. Family and friends gathered on Saturday, June 4, 2016 to honor Darren’s multiple contributions to our country as a part of the Air Mobility Command and the 6th
Seagrass Beach Grand Opening
By Sandi Smith
Seagrass Beach celebrated its much-anticipated Grand Opening with a ribbon-cutting ceremony and pool party on Saturday, May 28. The new luxury home community is Bolivar Peninsula’s hottest beachfront property and the latest venture for NewCoast Properties’ founder and principal Brad Ballard. Brad and his family were joined for the event
Easter Bunny hops into The Big Store
By Linda Elissalde
“Here comes Peter Cottontail,
Hoppin’ down the bunny trail. Hippity, hoppin’,
Easter’s on its way.”
Once again old Mr. Easter Bunny (aka; Peter Cottontail, aka; Jimmy Lumpkins) hopped right into The Big Store (aka; Gulf Coast Market) at 2:00 PM on Saturday, March 26. He
Welcome to ZUMBA 2016
By Linda Elissalde
A new year means a new Zumba class. Mary Hernandez has her students getting in shape for warmer weather with her lively dance tunes. Mary uses her time and talents to help others. She performs in and produces Zumba shows to raise money for different charities. Mary also brings Zumba groups to several nursing homes. The residents love the
HO! HO! HO! Away We Go!
By Linda Elissalde
Christmas at THE BIG STORE!
Santa Claus left The Eagles and flew to The Big Store. He helped celebrate the Christmas Season in two places on Saturday, December 19, 2015. It was a good thing that Santa had many helpers. The first was his twin David Good. Marilyn and Norman (Step and Fetch-It) Morua and
Turning the Tide for a Brighter Future
The first ever Opportunity Fair on Bolivar was a huge success. The Texas Crab Festival Charities sponsored event brought college representatives, industry and military professionals, and county and state agencies to Crenshaw School on Saturday to present a variety of educational, employment, and career opportunities. The Fair attracted over forty Bolivar residents of all ages. Participants were
Hard work and dedication pay off
Congratulations to seven Bolivar students who are completing their GED preparation classes. Classes began in September, and with hard work and dedication, they are now ready to take the GED exam. In appreciation for their achievements, Texas Crab Festival Charities (TCFC) presented the teacher and each student with a new portable internet tablet to use in their future educational pursuits. Additional GED classes
Cemetery missing gravestone returned
It’s like a story out of Unsolved Mystery, but this one has been Solved, for the most part. A Patton Cemetery missing gravestone has been recovered and returned 20 years later. In the 1990’s, the cemetery was vandalized and some gravestones were stolen. Some were recovered but never replaced. Then Barry Mullin from Nederland was recently helping his son replace a hot water heater in their
Crenshaw kids presented ‘Waste in Place’ Curriculum
We all must learn the proper way to care for our planet. And it starts with our children. Carlis Cole, Brenda Flanagan, and Nelva Maxey with the “Keep Bolivar Beautiful” organization presented a Waste in Place Curriculum to the Crenshaw Elementary Pre-K through 2nd graders. They discussed various topics concerning the proper care for our disposables: Don’t Litter, Pick up Trash, put trash in Trash Cans, and
Bolivar Clean-Up, Nov-16
Audubon Tern Network, in coordination with Keep Bolivar Beautiful, will be holding a clean-up on Bolivar peninsula on Monday, November 16th. Participants will meet at the Bolivar ferry landing parking lot at 9am and will finish the day around 2pm. Go to WEBSITE for more information.
Community Meeting
Over 100 Bolivar residents attended a Community Meeting with Commissioner Ryan Dennard last Wednesday evening at Crenshaw School. The two hour meeting covered a wide range of Countywide and Bolivar specific issues, prompting lively discussion on a few of the topics. The following is a summary of my notes from the meeting. If you have any questions, please contact Commissioner Dennard.
Report Card Identifies ways to improve Health of Galveston Bay
The Galveston Bay Report Card, produced by the Galveston Bay Foundation (GBF) and the Houston Advanced Research Center (HARC), is now available to the public at The report card is meant to be a tool that residents of the Houston-Galveston region can use to answer questions they have about the Bay and its tributaries, and encourage people to do their part
HardHeads Grand Opening
HardHeads Icehouse & Grill celebrated their Grand Opening/Ribbon Cutting in true Texas Icehouse Style. HardHeads is located in the old Outrigger building that was destroyed by Ike. The open atmosphere and lively music creates an unbeatable ambiance. Take some time to go upstairs and experience the breeze, their new food menu and order something refreshing to sip on. Stop by and
Oh, what a treat!
If you weren’t around the beach before Ike, you may have missed the sheer joy of dining at Mama Teresa’s Flying Pizza and Italian Restaurant. Mama Teresa’s opened in Crystal Beach in 1983, and in September 2008, Mama Teresa’s was lost to Hurricane Ike. The peninsula had been enjoying their Italian food and hand-tossed pizzas for 25 years. Mama Teresa’s recently reopened in Galveston
Swinging for Santa
The Bolivar Peninsula Lions Club held their 3rd Annual Swinging For Santa Golf Tournament, July 11th at “The Ranch”, Wallis Smith Community Golf Course. All proceeds benefiting local Bolivar families for Christmas. After the original April 25th rain out, the tournament was rescheduled for a Hot Hot Hot make up date in mid-July. That’s okay, 48 golfers came out in full force to enjoy
Sheriff’s Citizens’ Academy
The Galveston County Sheriff’s Office Citizens’ Academy #18, is scheduled to be held on Bolivar Peninsula; applications are now available. If you plan to attend, please complete the application and return to Tommy Hansen. All information becomes property of the GCSO and is confidential. See below for copies of the application and schedule of classes. This academy will answer
Our Nation’s Birthday
By Ed Riley
The 3rd annual reading of the Declaration of Independence took place at 10 am on Saturday, July 4, on the beach at the Ramada Beach subdivision. Ramada residents, Lamont Meaux, Larry Wolfe and Doc Brown, all veterans of the U.S. armed forces, delivered the reading to a gathering of around 60 people, 2 babes in arms and a number of
County Hires New Museum Director
June 9, 2014
Galveston County is proud to announce the hiring of a new Director for the Galveston County Museum. After interviewing several well qualified candidates, Jennifer Wycoff of League City was hired to lead the County Museum. Jennifer’s experience with fundraising, sponsorships and special events made her stand out from the rest of the
What a Celebration!
Swede’s Real Estate’s 60th Anniversary!
Ever since I can remember, Swede’s Real Estate was the first. That yellow store – Swede’s Store, right there at Crystal Beach Road and Hwy. 87. If we weren’t fortunate to have our own beach “camp,” we could always rent one from Swede’s. In those days, we would bring our towels, sheets, charcoal and all our groceries with us. Crystal Beach didn’t have
Dune Restoration in Emerald II
By Brenda Beust Smith
Pictured below, local volunteers, coordinated by property owners in Emerald Beach II, under the direction of Artist Boat, Inc., recently planted native vegetation on beach front Galveston County-owned property in Emerald 2 subdivision. Galveston County acquired the lots by a FEMA HMGP (Hazard Mitigation Grant Program). Now the lots are
Frenchtown Road bridge opens
By Lee Crowder
Thanks to multi-agency cooperation between Galveston County and TXDOT, contractor John Reed has completed the construction of Frenchtown Rd bridge. Frenchtown Rd is the public access to the Bolivar Ferry landing, ferry restrooms and ferry pedestrian traffic from Port Bolivar. The bridge is open to traffic!
Painted Barrels presented to County
By Brenda Flanagan
Lee Crowder, Galveston County Regional Operations Manager for Bolivar Peninsula, and Clayton Comeaux, Customer Service Representative, were presented with the beautiful trash barrels painted by the children of Bolivar Peninsula. These barrels will be permanently displayed at Gregory Park, the Park by the