This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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Another Trip Around the Sun

By Georgia Osten
Yep, another year older and another year wiser. You’re right, forget the second part of that statement. Just talking with a sister-in-law who will be turning 70 in the next couple of weeks. I think 70 is the turning point in growing old. I used to think 50 was, but oh, how I’d love to go back in time. I’m not sure what I’d do differently, but I’d sure like to give it a whirl.

Maybe I wouldn’t have retired from that job I had for 20-something years. I mean, look at my life now. I retired and moved to the beach and began working again. I guess I just like to work, having something to do day after day, someplace to have to go to. I used to say “it’s not the money,” but who am I kidding? I love to SPEND money!

I want to say it keeps my mind sharp. (My boss would probably disagree.) Seriously, I do keep learning new things by doing my job. Not to mention the enjoyment I get with the people I work with each and every day. It feels like a little family especially because I’m old enough to be their Mom or Grandma. They make it a joy to go spend time with them. The candy jar in my office keeps them coming in to visit. I used to scoff at my Mom because she loved all the attention. She would love it when I’d drop her off at the beauty shop for a haircut and mani/pedi. Oh, how they’d dote on her.

I won’t lie, I’m happy this is the Last Hurrah! We had a little tease of getting our beach back. Between the time school started back and the last big weekend of the year, Labor Day. I could get spoiled!

Then, miracles of all miracles, it actually rained for about 3 minutes this morning. Someone on FB posted that we got .23 inches of rain! Holy Moly! I’ll bet it’s been at least 60 days since we had some rain.

Oh, I just remembered last week, I told you I’d be writing to you from Florida. Well, as Mother Nature would have it,  Idalia happened out in the Gulf. Our destination was to drive to Tampa. The storm was threatening to hit Tampa. So, we thought, if we left on a Wednesday, we wouldn’t be to Tampa until after it hit. As hurricanes are prone to do, this one veered northerly and went across Tallahassee instead. Worse scenario for us, our drive would take us right through the northern part of Florida and specifically, through Tallahassee. Needless to say, our better judgment persuaded us to cancel our trip this time. Oh Bummer!

Missin’ those kiddos most! But, also having to stay home on this busy busy weekend for my birthday.

Here’s hoping you all have or had a safe holiday. We’ll be seeing you out on Our Beach and at Our Store before you know it.

Time to reclaim what’s ours!

[GO: Sep-5-2023]

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