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Bay Vue United Methodist Women

By Linda Elissalde
Members of BAY VUE UNITED METHODIST WOMEN (UMW) are an awesome group of ladies. President Elinor Tinsley welcomed guests to the UMW luncheon held on August 31. She shared how much women can accomplish when they join together for a good cause. That is certainly true of Bay Vue UMW.

Purpose of United Methodist Women
Bay Vue United Methodist Women shall be a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church; and to support programs and projects aimed at improving the needs within our local community.

Bay Vue UMW certainly follows that creed. They sewed quilts to keep folk warm while in cold hospital waiting rooms, created blankets for babies with mothers in prisons, packed Vacation Bible School kits to be given to children, read with children at Crenshaw School, sent clothing to children in Africa, provided internet hook up at Bay Vue UMC so students could have a connection for school assignments, honored educators with a special Sunday and an end of year luncheon. This year the group will provide snacks for teachers at Crenshaw on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. This list could go on and on.

Those at the luncheon enjoyed a fine meal and fine visiting. Bay Vue UMC provided food from Jose’s, and members added homemade desserts. Guests and members shared ideas for future projects after eating. Pastor Valerie Hudson closed the gathering with a prayer. Members and guests happily visited as they cleaned up. Everyone agreed that it was a most delightful and enlightening luncheon.

BAY VUE UNITED METHODIST WOMEN are indeed awesome and continue to be outstanding examples of what a group of women can accomplish when they join together for a good cause.


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