Maybe we should plan our beach clean ups after a holiday from now on? Seriously…I think folks like to see our beaches clean when they get here on Friday, don’t they? Then, tell me, why do they leave our “home” in such a mess when they leave? Monday morning, we went for a morning drive on the beach to enjoy what God has given us, how blessed we are! Oh my goodness, the trash we encountered was disheartening. What can we do? Hand out trash bags to the throngs of kids milling around on the beach, dropping their beer cans or their illegal beer bottles wherever they finished the last chug? Granted, I may be old and maybe I can’t tell ages anymore, but go ahead and try to tell me they’re all of legal drinking age! And, speaking of that, where is our law enforcement? I think we live in a pretty tame part of the beach, but yesterday, down at our end, the scene looked like an ‘accident about to happen.’ We sat out all day Saturday and Sunday, and didn’t see law enforcement either day. Where the heck were they? I don’t have a solution. We need more law enforcement for our peninsula. What makes these young people think they can come here and trash our home? Sorry, I got carried away and needed to vent…why don’t I feel better?
How do you feel? …please take our Poll.
I do not live on Boliver but we love going there with our grand babies.
We ALWAYS bring trash bags to clean up after people who got there before us. It’s really sad how people don’t respect anything anymore. We are trying to do our part to help but I know its only a tiny part.
I wish people would treat the beaches better.At least we are teaching our grandkids to take care of God’s creatures in some small way.
Hu Ty
Despite all the trash that is left there are groups who have organized clean-ups to try and keep the beach clean. The Jeep group I am a part of was out Sunday morning cleaning trash that they didn’t even leave. It is always stressed to clean up after yourself. Every time I am down there I can’t tell you how the groups’ members are picking up anything they see. The organizers always have trash bags for anyone who doesn’t and needs one.
I guess my point is that not everyone who goes to the beach is an uncaring, inconsiderate, rude fool. Some of us do care and do our part to try and keep it clean. If my trash isn’t in my jeep when I leave it is in a designated area.
I’ve never left trash on the beach nor at rollover. I make sure to have my own bags in case the cans are full. I always make sure I pick up a little more trash than I accumulate. My wife is religiously on my kids butt. To not throw trash on the ground.
I have found this new passion to help clear our beach. I intend to reach as many as I can to help spread the word that leaving trash behind is not “cool”, and it hurts the environment.
Cleaning up after a trip to the beach takes minutes and potentially saves the life of a seagull, or sea turtle, dolphin, etc…
I believe this behavior is not malicious, rather, I see at as thoughtless… or carelessness, and all it takes is a little more conscious thought, and it starts to go away…
The city of Crystal Beach has put a lot of effort into making trash receptacles easy to reach, and spends a great deal of money to help Keep the Coast Clear, but this does not prevent people from leaving and not cleaning up behind them. It is these people I need to reach.
Everyone Ive spoken to regarding this issue receives it well, and agrees that a problem exists. But figuring out how to put an end to it is the challenge. I believe the first and best way to head this off, is to continue to discuss it openly, and then secondly, publicly set an example. A little beach clean up is contagious, and when people see others cleaning, the lights come on…
Thank you for taking the time to read this…
Keepin it Coastal! Check us out on Facebook, were holding a one mile cleanup on the 13th, July @ 9:00am.
Just spoke with the owner of the cabin I’m renting in June and he says they clean up the seaweed, but its back again the next day! Looks like no nice beach upon arrival here. Last time it was Labor Day Weekend and wouldn’t you know we had a rain storm the entire stay up until Labor Day (the day of departure). We had to stay in and play games, yuck!
Me and my wife are new here and Just Got married on the beach.The day before we looked at spot 42 and did find a bag of garbage on the ground someone had left behind or washed ashore? I picked it up and put it in the trash.Yet for the most part thought the beach was pritty clean? I did see Tractor plows and front end loader,s discking the beach and pileing up sand burm,s for the tied I guess.Iam personaly looking for employment and would love to have a job takeing care of our beache,s hear. we had a good wedding and we didnt once encounter people drinking.we did how ever see sheriff on the beache,s once or twice over weeked.iam just glad they patroll it. I use to live in aransasPass,Tx and they were hardly ever patrolled and the alcihol and party,s were way out of controll their.i personaly so far have enjoyed the beache,s here and Iam the typ that see,s trash and a can will pick it up.? Any one know where I can apply for a position keeping the beache,s clean here please contact thx.
I read the complaints but what are the solutions? More trash cans for the holidays ? Clean-up crews every AM ? More law enforcement personel ? More Laws and rules to follow and be enforced? Seaweed is not the issue. That is part of natures life cycle that God made. Good sand dune building material. Take joy in it and thank God for it.
We need to pay for our lack of personal responsibility in more laws , taxes , and fees. When we can’t even clean up after ourselves we deserve what we get. We reap what we sowe. Freedom has always required personal reponsibility. It is shamefull we do not have much of it.
We lose a little freedom every day because of our lack of personal responsibility.
Another holiday weekend and another trashed beach, but this time there were even dumpsters at the end of Monkhouse, Swedes and Gulfshores. What’s up with that? Are they blind? Its pure laziness and lack of respect, for both the adults and kids. That part of the coast has always had trashy people and always will, sad to say. I thought our “beach parking” stickers were in part for garbage cans and trash clean-up, cant the county have a clean-up crew every morning? I guess since its unincorporated, we are still the step-children, but they WILL take our money for taxes. As for the police presence, there was none on the beach, but I did see them in Emerald I going around and around for about 4 hours. Pretty heartbreaking.
Any place the general public gathers in large numbers will always require clean up after the crowd disperses. The fact is that, in large numbers, people are quite an unruly bunch. It’s not just kids, there is a general lack of respect for the environment from a large percentage of adults. It’s a shame really.
As for the police presence, I saw them all weekend on our end which is the “Driftwood Addition.” As a matter of fact I did get pulled over by them myself when I was attempting to get from emerald II back to driftwood after dark in our golf cart. Evidently, golf carts are not allowed on the beach after dark even if you have headlights and tail lights. The officer was actually very professional and informed me of the law and allowed me to complete my journey. I happen to have kids who are in their late teens and I can also tell you that law enforcement is vigilantly working on the issue of minors drinking. Several of my kids friends recieved MIP’s this weekend. They can’t just walk up to every person on the beach and ask to see ID. How many complaints would arise from that scenario?
And last is the seaweed, The beach was absolutely BEAUTIFUL Friday morning but the seaweed came in that very afternoon. My question is this, was anything done about the seaweed on the galveston beaches during the weekend? I just want the clean-up policy by the county to be fair. more money for raking the beaches is a great idea but my taxes are high enough!
Pull me over? They didn’t pull me over. I was in the water playing with my daughter with my Kubota parked on the beach and they came up and told me they were going to give me a ticket if I didn’t get it off the beach. Flex those muscles, Mr. tough police officer!! The ones I see driving wrecklessly on the beach the most seem to be the police. How is someone going to knock my kids out of the cab of the truck when the speed limit is 10 mph and you can’t even go that fast because the traffic is bumper to bumper?
Those same kids will see the same action as the other person who wrote in. It’s really a shame thats a coninunous cycle. And the strange thing about that they will be paying for it in the future. Yes all those taxes and beach fees will come up and they will be upset as we are now. Yes it seems we need more equipment and manpower just to clean up.
Well on the police good thing that they did pull u over those same kids that are drinking illegally might hit you and throw ur kids out. THINK ABOUT THAT ITS YOUR KIDS.
Sorry for the typos….
These kids are the ones that will be buying homes. These kids are the ones spending money on the peninsula. These kids are the reasons parents buy beach cabins and spend money at Crystal Beach. Besides, I don’t see how you could see any trash with all of the DISGUSTING seaweed rolling in. How about griping about that instead? Where are out taxes, and beach ‘fees’ going. We couldn’t even go out on the beach and play in the sand with our children because of all the disgusting seaweed. I know it is mother nature but bow about investing in some heavy equipment to keep it nice?? And you talk about no police? They seem to have enough time to pull over my kids for not wearing a seat belt. They seem to always have enough time to write me a ticket if I have my Kubota parked down on the beach while I am playing in the sand with my children.
People dont care because there dont have to look at it till next time then be unplease with our beach the way there look ..Just like the new rollover pass rules ,people are not going to clean up there mess there are there to fish and ant nother going to get in there way when there get ready to leave there go and dont look back because there know someone will clean it up, some people are just pigs.It make some us so mad to go there and look at there mess there left .Dont get me wrong we love to go and fish there we have been fishing there for years now ,We was down for the 4 day weekend and it look like a pig pin