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Biloxi and area Part II

cbyusBy Charlotte Byus
Our second day we traveled up and down the scenic coastline highway. We started in Gulfport and headed west toward Long Beach to Pass Christian, over a beautiful bridge around to Bay St. Louis and down to Waveland. We turned around and headed back but could not resist stopping and putting our toes in the warm Gulf water. There are about five islands you can ferry to from Gulfport and maybe Biloxi. The ferries come and go about every 2 to 3 hours. No cars are allowed on the islands so you must carry your stuff for the day in hand and by foot once you get to the island. I heard the islands are beautiful but we did not try them out for the day. Instead we had lunch at Shaggy’s just outside of Pass Christian at a marina on the water. cb_2016-1101-1Great food and really good drinks and lots of fun watching the world go round. After lunch we traveled east along the coast highway toward Biloxi. Along the way we found two more Lighthouses!

Along this road there are twelve museums, about 50 attractions and twelve casinos. That is just 26 miles of Highway 90, you get the drift. You could stay a week or better. There are NO condos hiding the view of the Gulf, they are on the other side of the street. If you like to play golf there are 22 courses to choose from and enjoy.

On our third day, we traveled back down Hwy 49, Gulfport’s main street headed east to find and tour Beauvoir. Beauvoir is a Louisiana raised cottage built between 1848-1852 by James Brown. This home is the last home of our only President of the Confederate States of America, Jefferson Davis. The home is one story raised eight feet, to promote ventilation, not to save it from storms. But with that said, the house has withstood eighteen hurricanes since it was built, including Camille and Katrina. The tour is well worth the few dollars and the library is free. A must see. Of course, we had seafood again for dinner, outside, overlooking the Gulf.


Our fourth day was lazy until we once again headed toward the Gulf for a casino. Not just any Casino, we decided to deposit our money at Beau Rivage! Nice Place. But we got them back with the buffet that night-seafood. They close the area between lunch and dinner buffet so they can change out the menu items. I am almost ashamed to say we spent two and a half hours eating king crab. Why bother with the other stuff when you can eat your way through mounds of crab and lemon-melted butter.

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