The ANNUAL Meeting of all members, officers and directors of the Bolivar Peninsula Cultural Foundation will be held on Thursday December 5, 2013 at the Bay Vue Methodist Church at 10:00 AM. The meeting is open to all members of BPCF and anyone in the community that is interested in art, history and music that would like to join BPCF. Election of officers and a review of 2013 and plans for 2014 will be on the agenda. Please being new friends and neighbors that may be interested. (2013-11-26)
Eve Bradford, Current President 469-556-4586
Charlotte Stirling, Current Treasurer 409-673-0536
Bolivar Peninsula Cultural Foundation
Annual Meeting and Membership Drive
Thursday December 5, 2013, 10:00 am
Bay Vue Methodist Church, 1441 Hwy 87, Crystal Beach