A new bird species has landed on Bolivar. It will not likely take flight anytime soon…or ever. Michael Langley had his new 80 passenger airliner fuselage delivered here to Bolivar to the Texas Frog Fest grounds near the highway. Langley purchased the formerly airworthy airliner on eBay. “I was nervous – this was the first thing I ever bought on eBay,” confessed Langley. Most people start with a
Texas Frog Fest
A new bird species
Never Quit March ends at the Texas Frog Fest
Never Quit March ends with a big bang on the Bolivar Peninsula
By Brenda Cannon Henley
Ken Meyer started out to call attention to the struggles of service personnel and others suffering from PTS. This US Air Force Security Police Veteran knows whereof he speaks because he is a victim of PTS and he emphasizes that not only does the service member suffer, the family and those that love the man and woman often walk this
Texas Frog Fest announces Music Line-up

The new Texas Frog Fest website is up and running. Check out the 2016 TFF music line-up, buy tickets on-line, or volunteer to work at the festival. Go to texasfrogfest.com.