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Never Quit March ends with a big bang on the Bolivar Peninsula

Kilo19_0By Brenda Cannon Henley
Ken Meyer started out to call attention to the struggles of service personnel and others suffering from PTS. This US Air Force Security Police Veteran knows whereof he speaks because he is a victim of PTS and he emphasizes that not only does the service member suffer, the family and those that love the man and woman often walk this painful journey with them. His idea was to dedicate the march to the 19 men who lost their lives during Operation Red Wings on June 28, 2005, in the rough terrain of Afghanistan. This battle was depicted in the very recognized film Lone Survivor. Marcus Luttrell, the loan survivor from this epic battle, is one of the heroes Meyer often speaks about and he and Luttrell have teamed up, along with many board members, sponsors, and hundreds of volunteers to guarantee a successful event culminating in the Third Annual Texas Frog Fest, May 28 and 29, 2016. You cannot miss the beautiful US flag flying over the venue.

Meyer also wants to call attention to the 22 service personnel that lose their battle every day due to PTS. He chose to walk 628 miles through the State of Texas in honor of the date. Beginning his journey on April 16, in Conroe, Meyer, and his faithful service dog, Hope, have battled unbelievable, historic weather events, flooding, driving rains, hail, heat, humidity, injuries, and simply the pain of the road. He alternates between 19 and 22 miles each day and will arrive on the Bolivar Peninsula on the final leg. Meyer says he has met incredible people all along the way, heard stories that are richer than fiction, and made new friends in every area he has been. “People have been wonderful to Hope and me,” said Meyer. “We could have never done this march without the loving support of family and friends, sponsors, and those who simply love America today.”

Kilo19_235The final leg of the march encompasses 19 kilos and a special emphasis is being placed on this important ending, which will serve as the opening of the very popular Third Annual Frog Fest. “You can’t miss it,” said Michael Langley, a board member of the Lone Survivor Foundation. “The group has recently completed a beautiful retreat on the Bolivar Peninsula to house service personal and their families while they enjoy the beauty of the area, fishing, hiking along the beach, playing in the sand, swimming, fishing, crabbing, and simply some down town with their convenience and comfort in mind.”

So, just how far is 19 kilometers? According to the trusty dictionary, the 19 kilos is 11.806052648 miles, but if you want to join the walk, you do not have to agree to walk quite that far. You can pick up the march anywhere along the way and be in the group that enters the Frog Fest Venue to begin this year’s activities. If you would like to join the march and walk the 19 kilos (or shorter), the organizers are asking for a donation of $22. You may use the link below and email the donation confirmation to Michael Langley at The funds will go directly to help the 22 men and women get the help they need to face life with PTS. The link to sign up is – Langley is one of ten board members for the Texas Frog Fest, a US Marine, and the promotions director for all of the Cumulus Radio Stations in the Beaumont market.

KILO 19: Friends, I beg you not to miss this!!! By Michael Langley

Organizers are asking each walker to plan to meet at the Frog Fest venue no later than 8:00 AM on Saturday morning where they will be shuttled to the location to meet Meyer, rather than the Bolivar-Ferry, as originally announced. This change is to alleviate a backlog of traffic at the landing. The walkers will join Meyer, Hope, and others at that point and travel the beautiful beaches to Mr. G Street where they will cross over to the Frog Fest grounds. There will be some very good surprises along the way for the walkers and the weather is forecast to be wonderful.

The Lone Survivor Foundation restores, empowers, and renews hope for our respected service members and their families through health, wellness, and therapeutic support. Isn’t this the perfect time and perfect opportunity to stand tall, do our part, and be counted as Americans that care?

To read more about Ken Meyer, PTS, and this incredible journey, go to

Brenda Cannon Henley can be reached at (409) 781-8788, or

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