By Linda Elissalde
Crystal Beach’s Bay Vue Methodist Church celebrated Cinco De Mayo Sunday, May 5, 2024. Cinco de Mayo commemorates a Mexican victory over the French in the Battle of Pueblo. Some church folk dressed in Mexican style clothing. Pastor Valerie Hudson prepared a hymn sung in English and Spanish for the church service. She and Roy Kinkaid, playing guitars, accompanied the choir and congregation in Lord, You Have Come to the Lakeshore/Tu’ Has Venido a la Orilla. The church’s magnificent pianist Paulette Layfield added her talents. Speaking of Paulette Layfield, it just so happens that May 5 is her birthday. So of course everyone joined in a most rousing ”Happy Birthday”. Paulette graciously thanked the attendees. She is leaving on vacation, but has recorded all needed music on piano. Reba Hemstad and Linda C. Elissalde will punch in the correct numbers on the piano while she is gone.
However, there is more. A true fiesta was waiting in Fellowship Hall when the service ended. FYI: Fiesta refers to a large feast, festival or special party. In many Spanish-speaking countries it may celebrate a saint’s day or religious occasion. The word comes from the Latin festus, “festive, joyful, or merry.” Sunday’s Food Group Elinor Tinsley, Sandi Covington, Jane Loose, Betty and Chuck Williamson with help form official dish washer Pat Tinsley and Rita Moseley certainly met every definition. It was indeed a most festive feast. Paulette was surprised by a special Rita Moseley carrot cake, candles, birthday cards and a big bee balloon. One more “Happy Birthday” rendition exploded. Then Paulette, with help from JP Luke, blew out her candles.
Just about everyone made several trips back to that table loaded with so many delicious choices. Bay Vue Methodist certainly had a grand time CELEBRATING MAY 5, 2024.
[LCE: May-7-2024]
What a grand day for me! Love my church family!
Please accept my apology. Cinco de Mayo celebrates a Mexican victory over the French at Puebla, not Pueblo.
Great article!