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Charming Carmen turns 90!

By Linda Elissalde
“Your beauty is timeless. Your light is endless.” (Anna Taylor)
Charming Carmen Powell Schulz turned 90 on Friday, December 4, 2020. How do you create a safe surprise birthday party for someone so special during this time of Covid? You can always count on Rita Moseley and her crew of Gerry Lang, Charles Moseley, and Elaine Rollfing. How about a Birthday Parade?

The crew went to work and called family and friends to help make a car parade for delightful Carmen. BUT, shhhhhhhh, don’t let Carmen know. Rita and Gerry arrived at Carmen’s earlier in the day loaded with gifts and goodies. Then the conspirators suggested that they go and sit outside.

(The weather cooperated by providing warm sunshine.) Puzzled Carmen sat in a chair next to a Happy Birthday sign. She sported a crown and a ribbon declaring, “90 and FABULOUS!”

Parade participants with decorated cars met in Joe Faggard Community Center parking lot. At 2:00 PM on the dot, Elaine led off with balloons flying and car lights flashing. Following behind were 15 cars. They turned onto West Verdia with horns honking. And yes! Carmen was surprised. She jumped up to clap and greet all the paraders with a glowing smile and those beautiful sparkling eyes. They shed a few tears of joy. Over and over Carmen declared her surprise and happiness for this delightful celebration. Drivers handed gifts and cards to Rita while Gerry snapped photos of the procession. The drivers received some yummy homemade cookies from Rita. Several folk went around the block again because it was so much fun.

Talented Carmen has spent her life helping many people. She has reared a family, sewed countless clothing items to send to needy children overseas, cooked delicious foods for church events, created gifts for her friends, and continued to live an active and fulfilling life.

Carmen graciously thanked all who helped her have a Happy 90th Birthday. However, it was the party givers who reaped the pleasures of celebrating those special moments with her. Happy Birthday, Carmen. We wish you many more.


“Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale Her infinite variety.”
William Shakespeare


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