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Cooking Skills?

GO-2017-0725By Georgia Osten
I wonder, I ask myself if I ever had any cooking skills? Last night’s meal was going to be pork chops, the kind you coat with some crispy stuff and bake in the oven for only 20 minutes. Really, cooking pork for only 20 minutes? I thought that was a bizarre idea in the first place. Anyway, I had all these bananas left over from the weekend. I had lots of “littles” this weekend and thought I’d stock up on bananas, don’t “littles” like bananas? Well, apparently not all that much. I know you’re probably wondering why I went from pork chops to bananas…

Well, I had all these bananas left over so I decided to make Banana Nut Bread for desert. Banana Nut Bread takes 1 hour & 15 minutes at 325. That’s a lie, and I know it! My Banana Nut Bread always takes almost 2 hours. So, I had the Banana Nut Bread in the oven for 1 hour, it was almost 7pm and I wondered to myself why I hadn’t start the pork chops before desert. To tell you the truth, I was craving the Banana Nut Bread MUCH MORE than pork chops. I upped the temp of the oven and stuck the pork chops in with the bread. On second thought, I decided to take the bread out to finish cooking the pork chops, deciding to let them go at least 15 minutes more than the directed 20 minutes.

My husband was pacing at this point, lingering in the kitchen – “just wondering if you need any help?” I figured the pork chops had had enough time to get thoroughly cooked, so I wandered into the kitchen to get everything together only to find out I had turned the oven off at some point. Bottom line, we ate at about 8. I’m hoping the pork chops were done, we’ll see if either of us come down with a case of trichinosis or whatever. By the way, the pork chops were really tasty, thanks to Daina for posting on FB!

Hopefully, several helpings of Banana Nut Bread will cure whatever may ail us.

GO’s Sand Bucket is only one beach bum’s journal of life at the beach, probably something each of you can relate to. Please feel free to email me with your thoughts, visions and/or feelings of just exactly what the beach means to you. Email:

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