David Watts, candidate for Texas Land Commissioner, stopped by Rollover Pass last week to visit with some of the anglers that use the Pass and learn more about the battle the GCA is waging with the State regarding Rollover Pass closure. Watts said he agrees with Jerry Patterson (current Land Commissioner) on many issues, but not this one. He is in favor of keeping the pass open and pursuing alternate methods to address the erosion concerns.
CONTACT: David Watts
877-890-1169 ext. 700
GILMER, TX – Conservative Republican Candidate for Texas Land Commissioner, David Watts, announced today his opposition to the closure of Rollover Pass on Bolivar Peninsula and vows to work to keep it open for the benefit of all Texans.
“Rollover Pass was developed in the 1950s and is an outstanding fishing and recreation location. Generations of Texans have grown up fishing at Rollover Pass it is a real treasure for both the local community and Texans across the state. Unfortunately, the General Land Office is working very hard to close Rollover Pass despite opposition from the local community. If elected by the people of Texas, I’ll work to find a way to preserve Rollover Pass and the recreational fishing benefit it brings to Texans around the state,” Watts said.
In the 1950s, Texas was given an easement on private land to build Rollover Pass, a man-made channel connecting the Gulf of Mexico with Rollover Bay, East Bay, and the Intracoastal Waterway. The channel was built to provide improvement in salinity levels within the coastal bays and remains a very popular fishing location for Texans. Critics cite Rollover Pass as a cause of erosion on Bolivar Peninsula and argue that Rollover Pass requires increased dredging in the Intracoastal Waterway.
Watts commented further, “Rollover Pass belongs to the community and to Texans. Sadly, the General Land Office and Galveston County have colluded to employ eminent domain to seize private property and close Rollover Pass. There is a promise of a fishing pier to replace the lost fishing opportunities. However, it is nearly 100% certain that if the General Land Office prevails, Rollover Pass will be closed years before any fishing pier is built.”
Watts visited Rollover Pass on January 17 and met with concerned citizens. He addressed critics’ concerns about erosion. “As with any public resource there is maintenance and upkeep. That is certainly the case for Rollover Pass, any state park, and even the Intracoastal Waterway itself. However, I am convinced there are solutions to minimize erosion and subsequent dredging so that new generations of Texans can continue to enjoy this outstanding fishing location. We can find a solution.”
Watts spoke about his recent visit to Rollover Pass. “Even though the weather was cold, I stood at Rollover Pass and watched as families with young children stepped out of their car and walked excitedly to the water’s edge. Small children with fishing poles eagerly awaited their chance to fish from these waters. I spoke to a couple who had been fishing all day. When I explained that the state was attempting to close Rollover Pass, they were surprised and disappointed. In particular, the fisherman commented that he had been coming to Rollover Pass since he was a little boy.”
“As Texas Land Commissioner, I will work closely with the community, interested Texans, and experts. Together, we will preserve Rollover Pass.”
David Watts is a respected business leader with more than 22 years of business consulting expertise. David specializes in business, technology, and Human Capital Management consulting for clients around the U.S. and internationally.
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