This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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Dune Preservation

The integrity of the dunes is a major factor in protecting our property in Crystal Beach. There are laws against driving on or across the dunes with motorized vehicles. Yet, this is exactly what is happening between the Gulf and the Crystal Palace Resort. There is a “road” that has been cut through the dune; traffic is driving around on private property from the beach to Highway 87 and the County is taking no action to close the “road” or stop the violators. Commissioner Dennard has been notified and, still, nothing has been done. The blatant destruction of the dunes has to be stopped and the violators have to be prosecuted before the next storm comes and causes property damage that the dunes could have prevented. Please call the Commissioners office at 409-770-5474 or email to demand enforcement to protect the dunes. (David, 4-29-13)

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7 Responses to “Dune Preservation”

  1. gary rholes says:

    Seems like the rich folks who care so mightily are
    the ones that feel free to make their pass through
    roads for their golf carts.

  2. Don says:

    I’m sure you’ve noticed how the dunes are moving towards the water at 4′ at a time. It’s a fact we lost beach during IKE and the dunes were rebuilt further out than they were before IKE. Remember when Road and Bridge used tractor pulled rakes to remove seaweed? Now they use the big front-end loaders getting vast amounts of sand and are moving the dunes out 4’+ every time the ‘clean’ the beach. At this rate there will not be a beach in a couple of years.

  3. larry says:

    While you are fining people for destroying the dunes, don’t forget the residents of subdivisions with no thru roads to the beach. They all have a path thru the dunes to ride their golf cats to the beach.

  4. Don says:

    Just like the dunes protected us from Ike? Sand dunes don’t work as well as the GeoTubes, and will last as long as there are little waves. You’ve seen the last of the GeoTubes.

  5. Don says:

    Are you talking about the dirt roads on either side of the ‘creek’ where the rain water from Crystal Beach drains into the Gulf? There are no homes on either side of the creek and Crystal Palace is at least 1/4 mile up on HWY 87, so the dunes aren’t protecting anything there. The creek is 50′ wide there and obviously has no dunes. The roads have been there years and folks go there to catch bait for fishing, and there’s usually a crab trap in the water too. There is NO DESTRUCTION of the dunes, especially since there is the 50′ wide creek comming out of there. What is the violation? Getting bait? Looking at the cactus and canal?

    • Mike Hobson says:

      I watch renters and weekenders do what they can to destroy the dunes all up and down the beach. The dunes are all the protection we have from the storms. The real estate companies use to include the rules about not getting on the dunes and the fine for doing such. Now I can’t find any info on the fines or rules at all; not even on the Crystal Beach Chamber of Commerce web site. Please get the word out and reinstate the fines. I know it is all about the almighty tourist dollar; but some of us actually live here and need our property protected.

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