This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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If you want people to come to bolivar and spend money, You should do something about the “@#$%&!” residents who abuse the medical priority boarding passes at the ferry. You people seem to think you are better than us “lowly tourists”. My family and I will never again rent on Bolivar. (email from benson, 10-11-2012)

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3 Responses to “Ferry”

  1. Dee says:

    Bolivar/Crystal Beach is not a vacation/resort town, it is a small seaside/retirement village which just happens to also consist of a fair number of vacation rental properties at the moment PLUS a public beach. Tourism is a side effect to these amenities, not a community development plan.

    However, most property owners do not own property for the sole purpose of weekend vacation rentals for profit, they live here year round Or they must rent it out to afford it at all OR they used to live here and became too ill to stay year round. They pay BIG BIG mortgages, taxes, insurance, prices for grocery and gas, prices for what is often sub standard services such as trash, water, sewer, electric, TV, internet, phone, propane, etc.

    The Ferry is the only way residents can get to medical care, better grocery prices, their jobs, their kids school, etc. All “full time residents” should have priority ferry boarding, along with medical needs residents.

  2. Rustedwood says:

    Who are you addressing in the above rant? Do you really think that the residents of Bolivar can control who receives a medical pass from the State of Texas DOT? That is who controls the ferry, not the residents of Bolivar.
    “You people seem to think that you are better than us “lowly tourists””? Really? You sterotype the entire population of Bolivar because you don’t like who gets a medical ferry pass from the State of Texas?

    Tourism is a way of life on the peninsula. We all know it.

    Seems as though you have misguided anger.
    I fell sorry for your family.

  3. Rustedwood says:


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