Below are articles sent by two residents regarding fishing on Bolivar:
From Murphy Bowers (
“The HOA at Laguna Harbor has cancelled the Port Bolivar Fishing Club. All permission letters are now void and no longer valid. I have till 16 June 2012 to get the word out. Please help me spread it. Anyone fishing at Laguna Harbor after June 16th will be charged with trespassing by the HOA. This has come about due to two burglaries in the neighborhood, as well as the actions of about 2 dozen local residents I have been begging to behave. They chose not to. I am so sorry that the rest of the peninsula is going to be penalized for the actions of a few. Please understand that when I come speak to you that I am only the messenger and this is my job. I have fought for the locals every chance I could but in this instance all my arguments were considered invalid due to the major increase in violations.”
From Anonymous
“It seem also they will get you for trespassing if you pull down any road that leads down to the intracostal to go bank fishing. My wife and I and a few other people were fishing down (can’t think of the road but it the road) by the water tank on the left if you’re heading east on 87). It is a great fishing spot, been fishing there for over 30 years and never had a problem, but a sheriff deputy came and told us there is no more fishing down any road in Crystal Beach or Port Bolivar that leads to the intracostal waters.”