- Alton Thorpe of Gilchrist landed this nice 20 inch doormat flounder on a finger mullet
- Jay Swearington of Beaumont TX nabbed this nice 19 inch flatfish on a Berkley Gulp while wading Rollover Bay
- School Chums- Kevin and Kelly Kuropata and Mike Mathis of Houston took this 3 man limit of flounder on Berkley Gulp
- Don Clark of Splendora TX nabbed this nice flounder on a finger mullet
- Houston angler Michael Mathis took these nice flounder on Berkley Gulp
- Bob Goodman of Gilchrist TX took this 21 inch 4 LB flounder on a finger mullet
- The Home Depot Fishing Krewe of Houston night-fished with live shrimp and finger mullet to take this impressive catch of flounder, drum, and redfish
- Olde Angler Buddies Talkin' Shop
- High Islander Jackie Bertolino took this really nice 22 inch doormat flounder on Berkley Gulp
- Cindy Hinkle of Gilchrist TX landed this nice 21 inch keeper eater drum on shrimp
- Carolyn and Michael White of Austin cuddled up to this nice 27 inch red she caught on mullet
- Crystal Beach TX wade-angler Gary Mann worked Berkley Gulp in Rollover Bay to tether up this nice flounder
- Sheila Anderson Williams of Houston caught this nice keeper eater drum on shrimp
- Darryl Dykes of Zavala TX took his November limit of flounder on Berkley Gulp and live shrimp
- Kevin Kuropata fished a Berkley Gulp to catch this November limit of flounder
- Adolfo Martinez of Houston took this 34 inch tagger bull red on mullet
- Steve Allen of Mont Belvieu TX caught these nice flounder on Berkley Gulp
- Gilchrist TX angler Terry Weir wade-fished Rollover Bay with Berkley Gulp to nab this nice flounder
- Larry Dick of Katy TX took this nice 29 inch tagger bull red on live shrimp
- Former Navy vets Isreal Ramos and CT Smith of Liberty TX tailgated their November limit of Flounder caught on Berkley Gulp
- The Cortez Familia Fishing Krewe of Houston took these nice drum and slot reds on shrimp
- J Harris of Mo City caught and released this HUGE 37 inch Bull Red he took on a finger mullet
- Karl Dever of Houston took his November limit of 20 inch flounder on Berkley Gulp
- A 37 inch Bull Red on her 38th Birthday- Angela Goodman of Pearland TX celebrated her B-Day at Rollover Pass
- Lyman Jones of Woodlands TX took these nice flounder BUT LOOK AT THIS 18 INCH GOLDEN CROAKER FOLKS- Whatta Fish
- Fishin buddy netting Don Clark's nice drum
- Twin flounder for brother and Sister anglers- Espesani and Jose Jacuinde of Houston who caught them on mud minnows
- Houston angler Michael Trahan took this keeper eater drum on a finger mullet
- Rick and Angela Crumblich of Pearalnd TX teamed up to catch this 32inch tagger bull red that he took on shrimp- his first bull to date
- Gilchrist angler Rusty Schley nabbed these 20 and 19 inch flounder on Berkley Gulp
- Rusty Schley of Gichrist TX took these 20 and 19 inch flounder on Berkley Gulp
- Port Bolivar TX angler Don took these 20 and 18 inch flounder while fishing Berkley Gulp
- Kelly Kuropata of Plano TX caught this nice flounder on a Berkley Gulp
- The Wild Bunch of Austin TX are amazed with their 42 inch tagger bull red that was caught on mullet
- Angela Crumlich netting her husbands very first bull red- a 32 inch tagger he caught on shrimp
- Houston Chronicle angler Robert Aquirrie caught these 20 inch flatfish on Berkley Gulp
- Kingwood angler Rick Trotter nabbed this nice flounder while fishing a finger mullet
- Very first flounder caught on a Berkley Gulp- Barbers Hill ISD Student Hailey Wilcox of Mont Belvieu TX did herself proud today- WTG Hailey!!
- PaPa Bob Goodman proudly showing off his Daughter's 37 inch Birthday redfish
- Stuart Yates of Briarcliff TX took this 20 inch flounder on a Berkley Gulp
- Splendora TX angler Don Clark wrestled in this nice keeper eater drum he took on shrimp
- Houston angler Michael Mathis landed these two nice flounder on Berkley Gulp
- Rollover angler Chuck Meyers nabbed these 21 and 18 inch flounder on Berkley Gulp
- Bridget and Chuck Greene of Little Cypress TX show off their November limit topped with her 22 inch flounder she caught on Berkley Gulp
- BUT I AM SMILING growled Richard Hutchins of Liberty TX while showing off these nice flounder he caught on Berkley Gulp
- Gina Kays of Crystal Beach TX landed this nice 19 inch flatfish while fishing a Berkley Gulp
- Mitch Clay of Jasper TX took these 19 and 20 inch flounder on Miss Nancy finger mullet
- Kathy and Leonard James of Austin teamed up to catch this nice drum she took on shrimp
- Fishin buds Al Jurica and Philly Joe of Houston took their November limit of flounder on tequila sunrise worms
- Rollover angler Tommy Bell landed this 25 inch 5.6 lb saddle blanket flounder while fishing a Miss Nancy finger mullet
- The Zavala Flounder Pounder Fishing Krewe of Zavala TX tailgated this 3 man flounder limit from 16 to 22 inches on Berkley Gulp
- James Wells of Houston took this nice 31 inch tagger bull red on a finger mullet
- Jim Kopple of Winnie TX took these 20 and 18 inch limit of flounder on Berkley Gulp
- Ron Wallace of Burleson TX took this nice drum and slot red on shrimp
- Fishin gals Judy Gentry of Tyler and Neoma Smith of Gilchrist TX nabbed these 19 and 22 inch flounder while fishing finger mullet an Berkley Gulp