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Fishing Report for April 15 to April 22 2013

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Summary:  Last week’s angling at the pass provided both poor and excellent results. On bad weather days, dirty tides gave up seaweeds and hardheads. With good weather, clearing tides providing some excellent speckled trout, drum, and whiting catches for the anglers.


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Speckled Trout:
Picking up from fair to excellent for both night and day anglers with early and late tide changes giving up specks from 3 to 8 plus lbs. (Limits- 15″inch minimum for 10 trout per-day with only one 25inch trout per day allowed as part of your daily limit).

Redfish (Red Drum):
Good red action with lots of slot and bull reds from 20 to 40inches coming in. (Limits- 20 inches minimum to 28 inch maximum for 3 reds per-day, one over 28inch red allowed when tagged and as a part of your 3 fish limit).

Black Drum:
Very good drum action with mostly keeper eater size drum coming in with some anglers ending up on the fighting end with 30 to 50lb bull drum. (14 inch minimum to 30 inch maximum for 5 fish per-day with one Over 52 inches allowed as a part of your daily limit).

Good flounder action on the bay side bulkheads for anglers fishing live minnows or shrimp for flatfish from 14 to 19 inches being caught. (14 inch minimum for 5 fish per-day).

Good sheephead action with some of the striped critters going to 20 plus inches. (Limit, 15 inch minimum with 5 per day Creel).

Gafftop Catfish:
A few nice gaffs coming in but the big ones haven’t arrived yet. (14 inch minimum for no limit creel).

Excellent whiting in the surf. (No Limit)

SLOW, (No Limits)

Blue Claw:
Crab, Great blueclaw crabbing in the cut, (5 inches between points with no berry crabs,(females with eggs) allowed).

Stone Crabs:
A few nice sized stones coming in. (limit, only right claw may be kept when 2 1/2 inches above first Knuckle).

Stingaree Bait Camp Report:
Excellent speck and red action around East Bay flats, reefs, and grass, many limits being had on both bait and plastic anglers.

Live Shrimp Now Available at both Stingaree and Miss Nancy’s bait camps.

Special Note:
Stingaree Bait Camp is now open 7 days. Sat/Sun weekends from 6am to 4pm.
Miss Nancy’s Bait Camp is Now Open 7 days.Fri-Sat-Sun- at 6am to 6pm.

Tides for Rollover Pass, East Bay TX, starting with April 15, 2013.

Day High Tide Height Sunrise Moon Time % Moon
/Low Time Feet Sunset Visible

M 15 Low 4:51 AM 0.1 6:51 AM Rise 10:31 AM 17
15 High 2:38 PM 1.3 7:45 PM

Tu 16 Low 5:37 AM 0.1 6:50 AM Set 12:32 AM 25
16 High 3:42 PM 1.3 7:45 PM Rise 11:21 AM

W 17 Low 6:30 AM 0.2 6:49 AM Set 1:15 AM 34
17 High 4:43 PM 1.3 7:46 PM Rise 12:12 PM

Th 18 Low 7:32 AM 0.2 6:48 AM Set 1:56 AM 43
18 High 5:30 PM 1.3 7:47 PM Rise 1:05 PM

F 19 Low 8:40 AM 0.3 6:47 AM Set 2:35 AM 53
19 High 6:02 PM 1.2 7:47 PM Rise 2:00 PM
19 Low 11:53 PM 0.5

Sa 20 High 4:12 AM 1.0 6:46 AM Set 3:12 AM 62
20 Low 9:49 AM 0.3 7:48 PM Rise 2:55 PM
20 High 6:25 PM 1.2
20 Low 11:33 PM 0.5

Su 21 High 5:47 AM 1.1 6:45 AM Set 3:48 AM 72
21 Low 10:53 AM 0.3 7:49 PM Rise 3:53 PM
21 High 6:43 PM 1.2
21 Low 11:40 PM 0.4

M 22 High 7:01 AM 1.2 6:44 AM Set 4:24 AM 81
22 Low 11:50 AM 0.4 7:49 PM Rise 4:52 PM
22 High 6:59 PM 1.2


This report sponsored by Miss Nancy’s Bait Camp, Crystal Beach Local News, and Stingaree Bait Camp.

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