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From Russia With Love

By Linda Elissalde
It took a lot of faith, a lot of paper work, and a lot of prayers for Christie and Michael Feighan to adopt, and bring home, a little girl from Russia in 2007. They adopted Tatiana from a Siberian orphanage. The Feighans went through much trial and tribulation to get this 7 year old sweetie to Texas, but they never gave up. Michael’s heart felt song, “Someone Prayed,” poignantly captures their journey. You can hear it on YouTube.

Tatiana is a beautiful, talented, and loving young women. She married her handsome prince Ian Mitroff on Saturday, August 27. The two met at Camp His Way. What started with friendship turned into love. He proposed. She answered, “Yes”. Both sets of parents approved. The couple enjoy the same activities, share a deep faith, love working with children, and yes, acting a little goofy with each other. They are delightful company for any age.

Tatiana and Ian chose Hope Chapel nestled in Texas Hill Country for their 7:00 PM wedding venue. Marcel and I decided we should find the destination earlier in the day. We accidentally chose the longest route, got lost, and received help from a nice policewoman. However, the trip provided a delightful drive through rolling Hill County. We finally found Hope Chapel. Lani Fuller and Mitzi Duncan were happily helping with decorations. We were able to take a tour of the historic chapel and surroundings. You just knew this was going to be a lovely wedding. (We also discovered that was a shorter route with direction signs marked by balloons.)

Family and Guests began gathering before 7:00 PM. The landscape glowed from lights inside the chapel, outside on tables, and chandeliers hanging in tree branches. Tatiana’s favorite color purple and Ian’s favorite red were in full display. What a pleasure to greet known friends and meet other guests. The Mitroff family members were absolutely charming. Soon came time for everyone to settle down outside.

Dad, Mom, Grandma, and Ian Mitroff

Pastor Michael McCracken from Alamo Ranch Community Church joyfully welcomed everyone. Relatives were seated. The flower “Men” spread petals to the delight of attendees. Ring bearers were cute. Bridesmaids and groomsmen handled their duties with charm and grace. Then came groom Ian Mitroff to await the arrival of Tatiana. At last, the gorgeous bride arrived escorted by mom Christie and dad Michael. Cameras and mobile phones were all flashing as they approached. The wedding was very faith filled and unique. Wind begin rustling tree branches. Next arrived a few watery droplets followed by a pelleting rainstorm. Pastor McCracken asked if folk wanted to take the wedding inside, but no-one took him up on the offer. The wedding continued. Just as Tatiana and Ian exchanged vows a colorful rainbow broke through the clouds. What a magical moment!

Guests headed to Hope Chapel where Michael, Sandy Cook and Tami Cooper provided uplifting spiritual music while wedding photos were made outside. Guests might be damp, but spirits were not. We were alerted to the arrival of Mr. and Mrs. Ian Mitroff. Bride and groom entered to a standing ovation. They entertained with a hilarious cutting and sharing of wedding cake. After that they toasted each other and guests.

Back outside for dancing and dinner. First off were bride and groom. Then Ian and his mom. Next were Tatiana and dad Michael who danced to “Butterfly Kisses”. Our clothes were drying, but our eyes were misty. Tatiana and Ian’s sister also entertained using sign language to interpret a musical number. Guests carried their plates to various tables and partook of delicious choices including pizza, salad, cheeses, fruits, breads and assorted yummy offerings. Of course, folk had to go back inside for those “melt in your mouth” cakes by Ian’s mother and grandmother.

A professional DJ provided music, and wow, could those youngsters dance. And dance! And dance! What energy! Even some of the more mature audience members participated. Aiden Richardson dancing with Bride Tatiana provided one of the evening’s many highlights. Not a sad face at this party. We did leave before the revelries ended and made it safely back to our hotel.

Weddings are special. The Wedding of Tatiana Feighan and Ian Mitroff certainly was. We wish them happiness as they start their married life at Camp Eagle. To think a little girl came from Siberia to America to meet up with a boy at a Texas camp and marry that fine young man. We are thankful to Christie and Michael for bringing Tatiana Feighan Mitroff to us-all the way FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE!


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