By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
I’m Tattered, Torn, and worn, ready to be retired.
Now I am a treasure given to you by a grateful nation,
who honors you for your service and sacrifice.
Because of YOU
I was able to fly over the land of the FREE.
Thank You for Your Service.
THIS is the creed of the
Born from the heart, YaYa’s Care Packages collect, package, and mail care packages of goodies filled with care and love to our troops overseas year round.
Out among the Memorial Day fishing crowd at Rollover Pass during the holiday weekend was Susan Boles and 10yr old Prenton Taylor of Frankston, TX. They spent their holiday awarding American Flag Stars (cut from retired flags) to active duty, retired, or former visiting American Veterans.
One such veteran, Retired US Marine of 22 years, Gunnery Sgt. Jimmy E. Redd of Laporte TX. (seen in photo with Prenton Taylor) Received this honor and took time to befriend young Prenton to tell him how much he, and other vets, very much appreciated getting these stars. Gunny Redd went on to thank young Prenton for his kindness and spent time with the youth explaining just why the star in the flag meant so much to him, as well as the other vets.
A 100% non-profit group, the YaYa’s rely on donations to pay for the costs of mailing these care packages to our troops. Suggestions for the package goodies are snack foods, powdered drink mixes, games, books, puzzles, cards, pens and pencils, handi wipes, toiletries, bug spray, Tylenol, magazines, coffee, letters from you as a friend, and much, much more.
For more info on the YaYa’s Care Package organization please contact Royce Couch – 903-360-3335 or Susie Boles – 903-876-2017 or email to, or write to
YaYa’s Care Packages
PO Box 126
Frankston, TX. 75763