This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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Happy Birthday to TWO

By Linda Elissalde
Moody and son Kelley Fredenburg shared their birthday celebration this year. Moody crossed into a new decade by turning 80. Kelley met a halfway mark at 55. Parties for one are a lot of fun, but the festivity provided for these special two was over the top. Marsha Fredenburg with help from family and friends put on a grand event for beloved gentlemen. “Bolivar’s Band” Bruce Haire and 3 Way Switch provided melodic songs and dance tunes. Moody and Kelley are masters on the dance floor. In addition, Kelley can take over a microphone to belt out some good country songs.

The Party Pavilion glittered with colorful balloons and congratulatory signs. Decorations came from Janie and Alan Mayfield, Tom and Mary Ann Harrison. Lynda Smith, Chad and Leslie Hargus of Ft. Worth, and also John and Jackie Jenkins. A huge bulletin board covered with Fredenburg family photos represented many, many years. (A very good looking group they are indeed.) Robin and Laney McCann, Maddie and Debra Moulder created this popular attraction. Although daughter Michele Mallory could not attend, she helped with party planning. Moody’s brother Pete and wife Karen drove in from Belton. Invitations stated no gifts. However presents and cards were piled high near the dessert table.

Speaking of food! Tom Bean, Brent and Marci Chapman, David and Kristi Ellis, Paula Cavendar, Rhonda Huntsman, Amy White, Marci Tyler and May Liss presented a cornucopia of succulent foods including pulled pork, sausages, beans, potato salad, and deviled eggs along with sauces to satisfy all taste buds. It was so delicious that many went back for seconds. Some returned for a lot more. Thanks go to Chuck Lindsey for providing the barbecue pit.

Cake baker extraordinaire Elaine Rollfing wowed with 3 extraordinary cakes. Elaine had queried the guys on their choices. Moody wanted Italian Cream. People could choose among chocolate with chocolate mousse filling, lemon curd with cream, or Italian Cream. Most folk walked away with slices from all 3 sweets. When Moody finally had time for cake, there was only one tiny piece of Italian Cream left for him. We assured him we had all enjoyed it very much.

Appreciation goes on and on to helpers Gunner McCann, Garrett McCann, Laney McCann, Maddie Moulder, Samantha Chapman, daughter Robin McCann and son Kelley. Dennis Rollfing, Tom Osten, David Merriman Jeff Milam assisted with set up, and Crystal Beach Fire Departments loaned tables and chairs.

This birthday for Moody and Kelley was a creation of love. We have been honored to have them as a part of Bolivar’s community. In 1959, an advertising phrase captured the world. “Double your pleasure; Double your fun.” That was certainly true for Moody and Kelley Fredenburg’s shared birthday party. We delighted in wishing a most HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO TWO!

[LCE: Oct-10-2023]

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