This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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Hello to FALL

By Linda Elissalde
Summer has ended. Fall has arrived. How do we know? Well, the calendar says so, and Crystal Canal held their annual END OF SUMMER PARTY on Saturday. Al White’s band provided great music; Sunset provided beautiful atmosphere. Elaine and Dennis Rollfing welcomed all arrivals to their lovely home and surroundings. Dennis, along with Greg Holcomb, barbecued up the most delicious brisket, and Roger Kellum created mighty tasty ribs. Tables groaned with myriad well known side dishes and desserts. Plus, there were savory new dishes to try.

Crystal Canal dwellers, family and friends respectfully bowed heads for a prayer from Tom Harrison. The band ate first so they could serenade while folk filled plates. Sometimes it took more than one platter to carry everything. Ice tea and water were also provided. Attendees brought lawn chairs and other beverages. It was not just a matter of going back for seconds. Some returned for thirds and fourths. A lot of guests left with covered dishes. Many took to the dance floor because of the beguiling music, or maybe to work off some pounds. Bay Vue Methodist enjoyed some of the left overs Sunday morning after church.

Janie Mayfield once again captained this gala event. What a fun way to bid farewell to summer and say, “HELLO TO FALL!”

[LCE: Sep-26-2023]

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