County Commissioner Darrell Apffel hosted a community meeting on Wednesday to update Bolivar residents regarding the project to elevate Highway 87 between Rollover Pass and the High Island curve, a critical evacuation route in the event of a storm. Commissioner Apffel invited representatives from TxDOT to present the project plan and answer any questions. Present were Jamal Elahi, Galveston Area Engineer; Joe Clark, Assistant Area Engineer; and Danny Perez, TxDOT Public Information Officer.
Mr. Elahi started by explaining TxDOT’s on-going work providing emergency repairs whenever water and debris impact the roadway, especially at the High Island curve. And now, crews are installing a filter fabric to help prevent sand erosion in hopes of providing a more durable repair. However, all of this is just short term.
Outlining the long term solution, Mr. Elahi said TxDOT hired an Ocean Engineering Consultant to perform a study, which included charting water levels recorded in the area from storms dating back to Alicia in 1983. The consultant divided the area into four reaches based on the amount of existing protection. The following recommendations were made:
REACH ONE (From Rollover Pass 2.7 miles east)
Raise pavement grade to +6.2 ft
Elevate existing beach access crossings
Enhance dunes
REACH TWO (2.4 miles east from Reach 1)
Reconstruct pavement to +7.1 ft
Elevate existing beach access crossings
REACH THREE (1.4 miles east from Reach 2)
Reconstruct pavement to +7.1 ft.
Elevate existing beach access crossings
REACH FOUR (0.9 miles east from Reach 3)
Realign east bound lane
Eliminate southern curve at SH 124
Reconfigure northern curve at SH 124 for two‐way traffic
Raise pavement grade to +7.5 ft (currently at +5.0 ft)
Construct rock revetment
Anticipated Timeline:
Spring 2018 for environmental clearance and permitting
May 2018 for letting of construction contract
Construction to start within 60 days
Estimated construction cost – $20 Million
For additional information, please contact Danny Perez,
TxDOT Public Information Officer
Repairs have to be done!
Obviously the state and county have more important priorities then spending money to save or improve Bolivar Peninsula a profitable Tax Base to Galveston County.
(Did you get your Tax Appraisals this year?)
They said last year repairs were going to start in Spring of 2017? Spring has come and gone and we are still applying Band Aids. How much is this costing? WE have had 8 years of this!
8 years after Katrina Louisiana has installed hundreds of miles of concrete levies!
8 years after Ike all we have are USED ROAD BARRIERS!
Hopefully,one day we will see Work in Progress instead of ANOTHER STUDY IS NEEDED.
Another Ike and Bolivar will be gone
Unfortunately, TXDOT has more interest in the environment than saving human lives. May 2018 is unacceptable.. I am all for protecting our environment but , in this case, GLO needs to get off the proverbial political MERRY go round and put this project through sooner.
As a result of this meeting and an unbroken promise Highway 87 has properly been designated as an official Evacuation Route and appropriate signage placed. Thank you Commissioner Apffel from a grateful constituent. Carlis Cole, Pres. Keep Bolivar Beautiful
When 87 was open all the way thru to Sabine Pass, all along was an incredible display of all the failed techniques man used trying to stop the Gulf when it wants to come inland. At the time, I found it fascinating. Now it’s so discouraging to think about. Fortunately technology has advanced and I so hope that this will be the successful solution sought for so very long.
La Hwy 82 from Holly Beach to Johnson Bayou survived Rita extreme surge in 2005 due to rock groins running parallel to beach highway. Sent info to GLO and Galveston officials and nothing was done.