By Linda Elissalde
Leaving our ladies most fit and trim…
Thanks to David, we had so much fun
Exercising and frolicking under the sun.
Our valiant leaders were better than fine
And kept most the participants toeing the line.
With Paula and Marsha and Elinor too,
They instructed us all in what we should do.
Then Jackie and Rita added their stuff.
Always so gentle and never too tough.
Ellie’s result was always the same.
When it was her turn, we always had rain.
Elevations, stretches and a thing called stump
Along with some kicking of somebody’s rump.
Stretched biceps and triceps, leaders showed us how.
Why, we finally wound up with milking a cow.
Some students misbehaved. They were not very good,
But most of the group behaved as they should.
Thanks again to our leaders. You know it is true.
There would be no water aerobics if not for you.
And while it is sad to see summer end,
We look forward to June and starting over again.
Sure miss my Bolivia friends. We will be heading out West this winter but maybe someday—-
I nominate Linda Ellisalde as Poet Laureate of Bolivar Peninsula!