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Island Transit Bus Service

Has anyone used the Island Transit bus service? I saw it last week running quite late rounding the Galveston side of the ferry landing. I’d love to be able to park the car at the Bolivar landing, ride the ferry over, and catch the Island Transit to sightsee. But with some assurance that I could make it back to Bolivar. Sorry if this is a real newbie question. The service looks great, just wondered if anyone reading the Local News uses the service. (Rene, 6/23/13)

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6 Responses to “Island Transit Bus Service”

  1. Steve Thompson says:

    The bus service will come in handy when the low-income housing (projects) are built on our peninsula….

  2. Brenda Beust Smith says:

    Rene: Thanks so much for bringing this up! I’ve been beating this drum now for about 5 years. (one attempt:

    It is so infuriating. We Bolivar folks would spend so much money in Galveston if only we could leave our cars at the landing, ride the ferry across, then catch a bus to points of interest and then have options for returning home when finished.

    They’ve always had bus service to the ferry, but it was for workers — scheduled only very early and late in the evening.

    Finally maybe they’re seeing the light!

  3. Rene says:

    Great info, J.E. Reeves! I feel much more confident trying out Island Transit now. It sure opens up a lot. We on Bolivar have the best of both worlds! Thanks again!!


    • J.E. Reeves says:

      No problem Rene’! Have fun and if you get down to Post Office Street and 23rd, go by Cruz Cortez Clothiers. He is a hoot and lots of fun to talk to.

  4. Fran Skiles says:

    Check out Island Transit website for the schedule

    • J.E. Reeves says:

      Hi Fran,

      I used to give tours for Island Transit Trolley Service but, the green and white busses are on a set route so, there isn’t too much in the way of sightseeing because the drivers are on a really tight schedule. They stop running at 11:00 P.M. on week nights but lots of people do park their cars and ride the bus up to the stops near the Seawall. You can make major connections at Market and 20th, which is 2 blocks from the Strand, near the Post Office Street entertainment district. Lots of stuff over that way within walking distance. You can go almost anywhere on the Island from that point by catching the right bus. There is even a bus to the mainland during the day. The Ferry Road/UTMB run is on Route 2 and the fare for adults is 1.00. Have exact change because they don’t make change. Good Luck and Have Fun!

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