This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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It’s MY yard darnit!

GO_1103By Georgia Osten
Thinking it’s a rather calm day, not a lot of wind, I am contemplating setting my yard on fire. The last time I had these thoughts was after I applied so much weed and feed, I killed all the grass anyway. Huge gaping circles of nothing but dead grass. BUT, I didn’t have any stickers left either. That was right before Ike. Ike took care of the stickers AND the grass – we were left with nothing but sand. Then these huge tumble weed things began growing. They really helped to hold the soil together. We were so close to the beach after the storm, I think those tumble weeds thought we were part of the dunes.

I believe I’ve been battling the stickers for the entire eight or so years we’ve lived here. I thought I had sworn off weed and feed after listening to a program on the detriments of the “weed” part of this chemical. But, I threw in my hat the other day and spent almost $100 on a couple of bags, lugged them home, determined to spread the lethal granules on this unsuspecting yard of evil doings.

Then, the monsoons began again, and the bags remain unopened on one of the picnic tables downstairs.
So, last night I met a very nice man who does yards. He’s a professional “Yardsman.” He advised me to lug those bags right back to WalMart. “No Ma’am,” he tells me “you ain’t going to get rid of them stickers with weed and feed.” He told me to wait till Spring and let him come do a pre-emerge treatment on my yard. I’ll believe just about anybody at this point. But in the meantime, I’ll be out there with my foot-stompin’ weed popper, attacking those rascals. I’m not going to let them get the best of me – it’s MY yard darnit!

GO’s Sand Bucket is only one beach bum’s journal of life at the beach, probably something each of you can relate to. Please feel free to email me with your thoughts, visions and/or feelings of just exactly what the beach means to you.

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