This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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“Keep Our Beaches Clean”

litter0Bolivar kids are participating in a poster campaign to help fight litter on the beach. Littering is becoming a significant problem. The theme is “Keep Our Beaches Clean”, and the children are encouraged to be creative and colorful. Spearheaded by Carlis Cole, this non-confrontational approach may strike a cord by having children involved in protecting their environment. Posters are on display this week at the Big Store, and will later be attached to golf carts participating in the Lions Club Golf Cart Poker Run this weekend.


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5 Responses to ““Keep Our Beaches Clean””

  1. Mary Maj says:

    I think these wonderful posters should be placed on ALL golf carts, rentals and privately owned carts, and give one out when people purchase the beach parking permit. The garbage I saw when I was there 3 weeks ago made me sick.

    • Carlis Cole says:

      Thank you for the wonderful praise of the children’s’ posters, they are magical aren’t they. Love your idea of having a child’s poster on every cart! We are so sad to see the horrific mess this beloved place becomes at times. With our kids help, maybe your next visit can be a pleasantly clean beach again. Please come back soon. Carlis Cole

  2. kimberly says:

    kids are the best bet …that and having the cops pass out tickets for littering…inforce the laws by either metermaid type positions to do it…people would probably volunteer…I would! Power to the kiddos for putting litter control on top of the list!

    • Carlis Cole says:

      Kimberly, thanks tons for the thumbs up for the children’s posters, they all worked very hard at making their little voices heard. A big yes to stiff fines for litterers! We all must insist . Thanks, Carlis Cole

  3. Carlis Cole says:

    Thanks kids, you rock! Bolivar is so proud of your beautiful art work and making such a positive impact toward making our beach a great place for us all. Your friend, Carlis Danna Cole

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