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Krewe de TuTu

GO_0217By Georgia Osten
It all happened at the last minute – the name that is. We had a lot of the decorations from last year and the year before – Charlotte made the wreaths, one for the front of the golf cart and one for the back. I acquired more, of course. We ordered 2000 beads this year because we ran out last year. Sherry bagged doggie treats, little and big, and I bagged Animal Crackers for the little children. Oh, and bubble gum, of course, much left over which we donated to the After Party at the Face Painting table.

One week before the parade, my husband made the most efficient bead racks out of PVC pipe, three trips to The Big Store and $35 later, he painted them purple, mounted them on the golf cart and we were set. I strung all 2000 beads on the holders, I semi-decorated the golf cart, washed it and armor-all’d the tires to a shine. Needless to say, no one was allowed to use it for an entire week. Maezy had to go to the beach each morning in the beach pick up.

Vicky went to Party City and found TuTu’s on sale – well, nothing would do but we each had to have a TuTu. Then, she insisted we wear black tights, boas and boots – Such the Choreographer! Okay Vicky, now we look like 3 hippos in TuTu’s.


Sherry drove this year, Vicky sat shotgun and I had to crawl into the back because the wreath was in the way. It took all three of us to get me into the back, my legs just don’t bend like they used to. People were lined on both sides of Highway 87, Sherry would announce, “Dog on the right,” “Small dogs on the left.” “Who’s right, who’s left?” I would shout. I spent most of my time struggling with the tied up, tangled beads, as my friends on the street yelled at me to throw them some beads. I accidentally threw one of my friends some dog bones instead…Sorry guys, I’ll do better next year! AYEEE!!

PS, I missed you Idgie – Hugs, Sipsey!

(This article published 2/16/2015)

GO’s Sand Bucket is only one beach bum’s journal of life at the beach, probably something each of you can relate to. Please feel free to email me with your thoughts, visions and/or feelings of just exactly what the beach means to you.

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One Response to “Krewe de TuTu”

  1. Lanette says:

    So much fun, and fun to watch (we were behind them).

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