This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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Miss Bee’s Bolivar Buzz

Shannon WilliamsBy Shannon Williams
Well, I have broken up with Harry, we are finished, all but the crying. Harry has been part of my life for about 3 years, He really adds nothing to it, in fact is sort of a pain to deal with. I have done my best to ignore his presence in my life and was able to do that during COVID times, but he kept trying to get my attention and nothing would do, until I told him loud and clear he was not welcome in my life and we would be breaking up. As break ups goes, it was not fun and it cost me some money and I had to have some help to get rid of him. You see Harry was a Hernia near my belly button, but he is no longer there and good riddance to him!

I have taken some time off work this summer to deal with some health issues, mostly stuff I just had been putting off and screenings that were missed. Since I am getting close to retirement, I wanted to get as much of those types of things done as I could and with driving into Galveston or Houston it is hard to work and get it all done. So, it has been a summer of doctor appointments and screenings and physical therapy, procedures, and a few minor surgeries. The Hernia repair was not high on my list, and I was really not going to even deal with it, but the doctor had other thoughts. Besides I have met all my deductibles and co pays with my insurance, so it just made sense to go ahead and get it done.

As part of the years spent doing fertility treatment over 30 years I had more than a few laparoscopic surgeries to diagnose or treat various issues that were preventing me from getting and staying pregnant, so that along with the scar tissue left me with Harry! He was uninvited but showed up and would not leave.

I had a dear coworker who died from a hernia surgery gone bad and so I had more than a little anxiety about getting this done. I had seen a surgeon or two over the years to have them look at it, but never really connected with any of them and I knew I had to feel comfortable with the doctor doing this. Well, as I was dealing with another issue, I met a new doctor and just trusted him to help me break up with Harry. I am not sure taking off most of the summer was a good thing, as I need to work another couple of years before retirement is good for me, but I really enjoyed the break. By doing the hernia repair I could stay off a little longer, so found the doctor, insurance and work in order, nothing stopping me.

From the start, everything just fell into place without any bumps. We arrived at the out-patient surgery center around 8:30 am and were heading home by noon. Each and every person I encountered was kind and professional and most had warm smiles when dealing with me. I had done all of the wash, made myself some soup to eat and had everything ready for me to get this done and take some time to recover. Husband was standing by to lift and tote, cook and clean and be my chief nurse and cheerleader.

For years I have not worn tight clothes, in fact I would wear a Hawaiian muumuu if I could get away with it, I just don’t like my clothes tight or touching me! Well, they sent me home with a binder. Now if it is a wedding or formal event, I will wear a spanx, but not for long! Let me tell you, I love my binder, it really makes a difference and allows me to cough and sneeze without being in tons of pain. I don’t have to wear it at night, but I do as it really makes a difference. I am about 5 days post-surgery, and it is getting better. I have not missed Harry and have no plans of keeping the pictures of him that they gave me. I don’t care what they did with him, I am just glad he is gone and I have a belly button once again.

Sometimes, you just put off getting rid of a part of your life that you know needs to go, while I would not say that I enjoyed this event, it was time to do it. They have told me there is always a chance Harry could return, I have done my best to make him feel unwelcomed and not lead him on, so I am hoping he wants to stay gone as much I want him to be a part of my life again. So, for now, I am using my new best friend, Gabe the grabber to pick up items so I don’t have to bend over; and I look forward to breaking up with my binder also!


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