This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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Miss Bee’s Bolivar Buzz

Shannon WilliamsBy Shannon Williams
“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it and join the dance.” Alan Watts
There have been many changes in my life in the past several months, most of them were my doing, but with each change, comes more changes. I took all of the summer off from my job, I needed a break and I had put off some medical issues that were going to become bigger issues if I did not deal with them. I also wanted to consider retirement, I will be 63 in January and was not sure what I wanted or should do. So, I shut the computer down on June 3 and did not return to work till October 3. I had hoped to return in September, but as you know when you finally get around to do all of the medical test and screenings, they find things and they want you to do more, so I finished it all up.

I have already told you about my break up with Harry, the Hernia, but I also had both of my cataracts removed and new lenses put in. I only started to wear glasses after college and when I really started to work on computers, but in the past 20 years, I became very dependent on them. I always traveled with a backup, as I could hardly read my phone without them. I did not need them to drive and a few other things, so my glasses spent time on my head, instead of my eyes sometimes. Most times when I could not find them, they were a top of my head!

Well I don’t need glasses now, the Doctor told me that would happen, but I really did not believe him. Low and Behold, I really do not need them (them meaning trifocals). I can read my phone, my computer and even the newspaper without glasses. I got some cheaters, but really did not even think about what strength I would need and they were not working very well. On my final checkup, I asked the doctor about what magnification I should try. He did a quick little test and told me. Wow, they are great, but again, I don’t really need them unless my eyes are really tired from being on the computer all day. The hard part is that I think I should have glasses on! When I get up in the morning, I reach to put them on! I put them on when I am in my office in front of the computer, but again not sure why, I guess it is just a habit and I am not making the change as well as I should. I know in my head I don’t need them, but I just don’t feel right without them on my face or atop my head.

The biggest change came with a job change. I am still with the company out of California, but changed departments and thus roles. I have been on call in some fashion since 1983 and have been a boss since 1991. Those two roles, along with the travel, were making my job not a whole lot of fun. Now I know work is work and fun is fun, but I spend too much time working for it not to be enjoyable. So, I decided to not retire and to go back to work in a new role. I have moved from Operations to Asset Management. The best way to describe it, is that in Operations I was over the deck (which is senior housing) and in Asset Management I am on the bridge looking down river to chart the long-term course of our projects. It means, no employees, no on call, only one time zone (I oversaw properties in three time zones) and no travel. I have always had to travel somewhat in most of my jobs, it was usually to conference or for training, but for the last ten years, since I moved to Crystal Beach, I was on the road at least two weeks out of each month. So, since my return, I have to change so much, I no longer work at the pace I used to and since I am not traveling, I don’t get behind. Now, there are some other changes I am working with. I am dealing with finances and funders now and not employees and residents. While I was just worn out from dealing with people at work, I went from 250 emails and calls a day to about 50! Most of my work is now research and numbers and providing guidance on those matters. I do have to confess, I am not a numbers person at all, but I have a knowledge on funding with HUD and other sources and it was a skill that the department needed, so the move was made, and I was very grateful as I did not feel it was really time to retire; and my bank account did not think so, LOL.

There are many positives about this change, but I have to fight myself not to jump on to the deck and get into the mess to put out the fire. Some of the properties have been part of my life for over 20 years, along with the residents and employees. I have missed the people, but I am not totally drained on the weekends. There are no more late-night phone calls about incidents at the site. No employee calling in and having to find a way to staff the project. At present, I am doing lots of training and increasing some skills and learning lots of new ones, but it has been fun and scary.

I am getting to know my neighbors better and both my husband and I are learning how to be together all of the time! When Covid hit and I stopped traveling for a time period, we both enjoyed that, and when I returned to travel it was just more stressful than before and I really missed being home.

So, I am working on all of these changes, some days I think it was the best thing and other days, I ask myself what was I thinking. Life is always changing and the older we get the more change just disrupts so much. I did not want to get old before my time, so am learning lots of new skills to prove to myself that this old dog can learn new tricks. Here’s to the changes in our life, embrace them.

[SW: Nov-29-2022]

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