This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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By Georgia Osten
It all happened the other day. We’re expecting another grandchild, the birth has been scheduled, we have our plane tickets, we have someone to watch Ruby, someone to take care of the bird…oops, Note to Self: I haven’t called Shirley yet about the bird. I think it was a Wednesday, we were enjoying an evening at home, not a care in the world, when we received a distressing telephone call, or was it a text, from our youngest daughter. Kelly was having some difficulty and was on her way to the hospital. I immediately go into panic mode, strictly against Kelly’s wishes and our oldest daughter, Leigh, is calling me, urging me to CALM down, as Kelly tells Leigh to “MAKE MOTHER CALM DOWN!”

It’s uncanny how my endearing name becomes “MOTHER” when my children are frustrated with me. Long story short, I’d made a plane reservation to fly out the next morning at 6am out of Hobby, which I cancelled (full refund, Thank you Delta) just as soon as Kelly was on her way back from the hospital, everything was fine, not to worry.

Well, since that evening, I think I’ve been nesting? I mean, I’m cleaning things, I’m not letting laundry pile up, I even bathed Ruby – didn’t want her to be stinky when we take her to her babysitter, I mean dog-sitter. I’ve paid all my bills, dusted pictures, cleaned the shower, manicure/pedicure, organized all my paperwork for the new year, what else is there to do? A big FAT nothing, so I started a puzzle. Yep, it’s Therapy.

I’ve even thought of several different topics for upcoming Sand Buckets (why do I wake up at 2:30am with all these thoughts?). Anyway, staying calm now and I can’t wait to finish my puzzle … Oops, better call Shirley first!

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