This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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New Bolivar Maps are ready

The Chamber of Commerce announced that the new Bolivar Peninsula Maps are in! This is the first map revision since Hurricane Ike…data is updated, new landmarks added and old ones removed. And the back of the map is loaded with local information. The project began in September, and Image Pro delivered the completed map just a couple of weeks ago.


Please plan to stop by the Bolivar Peninsula Chamber of Commerce, Monday through Friday, 10am – 2pm, to pick up your copy.

click image for larger view

click image for larger view

You can receive a map by mail by sending a self addressed stamped envelope to:

PO Box 2332
Crystal Beach, TX 77650

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2 Responses to “New Bolivar Maps are ready”

  1. Peggy Villareal says:

    Hi! Where is the chamber of commerce located so that I can stop by and pick up a map?

    • Carolyn says:


      I would like a detail map of the Bolivar Peninsula showing the beach access areas and bathrooms, etc large enough that I can read the words, streets and symbols please. If I enlarge the map on this website on my ipad screen it only becomes blurry. If I send a preaddressed stamped envelope for a map will I be able to read the one you send me?


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