This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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Not a creature was stirring

By Georgia Osten
We caught the 5:30 ferry on Christmas morning to make it to The Littles by the time they woke up. Everything went fine on the trip to Friendswood. We managed to find a donut store opened, got a couple of plain cake and a couple of coffees. We arrived at the Friendswood house by about 6:40 and proceeded to unload our car and let Maezy out to do her thing. Unfortunately, the house was a quiet as could be not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The temp was down in the 40’s so we bundled back into the car to wait for some of the inhabitants to come alive.

Well, it didn’t take long for all 10 adults and 5 children to begin bustling around. We witnessed the excitement first hand as 5 children all under the age of 6 found their new bicycles and baby dolls. Little Foster, one year old, found his Nike basketball and that kept him preoccupied for the rest of the morning. Pierce found his inline roller blades and the bike ramp built by PawPaw.

Next stop, League City, where we found out the college kids were already awake. You’re kidding! It’s barely 8 am! Off we sprang to our engagement to get busy and make those blueberry muffins. The first batch went off without a hitch and they were delicious. The second batch got a little too done, by then there were too many things going on, like opening gifts.

A much deserved break while Mommy managed to make some organization of the living room, will miracles never cease?

A rousing game of Mexican Train, while The Grinch cooked his Standing Rib Roast to perfections. All the cooks united in the kitchen to prepare sides and set the table. Oh my goodness, the deliciousness of it all!

After dinner, The Littles came over to see what Santa had left them at Aunt Leigh’s house; the walkie talkies were a hit, and some of the more intricate items remained in tact to get back to their house without losing parts! Desserts galore were consumed. Emma’s Apple Pie Bread Pudding and the Key Lime Pie from the “Little ol’ lady from Pasadena.” Kiddos consumed fist after fist of chocolate chip cookies, followed by Pie and Bread Pudding.

I think they left a little after 8 to go home to have some dinner. I can only imagine how that might have turned out.

Merry Christmas to all our lovely family near and far.


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