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Not all heroes wear capes

By Linda Elissalde
Not all heroes wear capes. Some wear uniforms, shorts, dresses, jeans, suits, sneakers or boots. Most will probably be wearing masks and/or gloves. A recent journal declared 12 characteristics of heroism. These are bravery, conviction, courage, determination, helpful, honesty, inspirational, moral integrity, protective, self-sacrifice, selflessness, and strength.

There are a lot of local heroes on the Bolivar Peninsula. Some are a part of groups while others are individuals. We laud the bravery of our fire-fighters, police and medical workers, especially in these times of Covid-19. School personnel work with determination and help from teachers to address the health and needs of students. Respected, honest scientists keep us aware of dangers and changes concerning corona viruses. Local leaders with moral integrity chose the best courses for community safety. Some of our young are sacrificing courageously by serving overseas fighting wars in many unknown destinations. Pastors inspire with efforts to protect their flocks while providing spiritual services. There are residents helping friends with acts of selflessness and strength. We admire these heroes sans capes.

Second Going continues to thrive under the leadership of Fran Griffin. Hours are Thursday – Saturday from 9:00 AM -3:00 PM for shoppers and drop off donations. Masks must be worn in the establishment. Volunteers wearing masks and gloves still help with food distributions, but the time has changed. The FOOD TRUCK will arrive on TUESDAYS. They are scheduled to be at PORT BOLIVAR FIRE DEPARTMENT around 10:00 AM and JOE FAGGARD COMMUNITY CENTER around 10:30 AM. People should arrive at 9:30 AM in Crystal Beach. Food will be placed in trunks of cars and beds of trucks. Walk-ins are to stay socially distanced while waiting under the Pavillon. Food will be brought to them. Debbie Harrington is still in charge of the Community Church Pantry. It is open on Thursdays.

There are many folk helping family and friends who are sick. Delivering food or taking people to appointments continues by residents who love their neighbors. Workers in many businesses are wearing masks. More and more folk are wearing masks and social distancing to protect themselves and help others be safe. Our beloved Crab Fest leaders once again postponed this wonderful activity until a later date. They still provide funds and scholarships for those in need.

We gain strength from these heroes. When you walk on our beach in the mornings there are people running, riding, fishing, looking for treasures, or just peacefully sitting in a golf cart enjoying another sunrise. Jerrod Earl, reading his Bible, smiles as others wave a hello. These heroes provide hope for a new day.

We may never return to “normal, normalcy, normality”. (I leave the correct choice to English teachers). However, we can look to those who set examples of heroism and plan for a new future. Keep what is good from the past. Remember that we must plan ahead when times are good. Viruses will come again. Young people are showing us the way by inventing new ways of communicating. What can be more inspiring than our astronauts Doug Hurley and Bob Behnken trying out a new way to travel in space? They returned safely to land south of Pensacola in the Gulf of Mexico which happens to be our shared gulf.

“We shall never surrender,” stated Winston Churchill in 1940 when times were terrible and the future unknown. We shall never surrender either thanks to our heroes. They do not have to wear a cape.

PS: We have many local heroes. Please add names of any you want to recognize in the response area below.


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3 Responses to “Not all heroes wear capes”

  1. Linda C Elissalde says:


    Second Going presented every teacher at Crenshaw School and High Island with a gift of $250.00. Each teacher could then buy supplies that are needed for his/her students. The wonderful folk of Second Going just go on being local heroes without capes.

  2. Linda C Elissalde says:



    JOE FAGGARD BUILDING, NOT Crystal Beach Fire Department



    Linda C Elissalde

  3. Ange Scheibel says:

    Speaking of local heroes I want to mention my neighbors James and Donna Sims. On June 5th my husband, Ed Scheibel, was working on top of the shipping containers we are converting to our future home. Ed had placed boards across the 8 ft span between the containers to walk from one to the other. Big Ed, over 25 feet from the ground, happened to catch the eyes of James Sims down the street. He heard a snap as the board broke and heard the impact when Ed hit the deck 12 feet below. James left his home immediately to render aid. Donna called me; I was in Beaumont at my son’s house. Donna told me what happened and that James was going to help. I felt rather calm, nothing I could do except pack up to head home, comforted that Ed wasn’t alone. Donna called back to tell me EMS was on the way. I knew he would be in the best of care. Ed & I are both volunteer firefighters. We have an app on our phones that gives us notice for response. Before I was on my way back the alert came on my phone for assist fall victim at our address. If Donna hadn’t given me heads up that phone alert would have given me a heart attack! I remained calm. Donna called again while I was on the way home to let me know Ed was being life flighted to UTMB. Ed could have died alone had James not seen the accident and responded quickly. Assistant fire chief, Robert Hoelzer, was 2nd on the scene offering reassurance to Ed. Our skilled emergency response team saved my husbands life. We are so grateful for our local heroes.

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