This is the light of my life, what a joy watching her grow up. Yep, I raised her to be the lady she is today. And, what a fantastic Mom she is … #8 is on the way as you can see from the picture. Her oldest, Little Abe, just got out a’ the correctional facility over in Huntsville, he really didn’t mean to rob that 7-11, just runnin’ with the wrong crowd, know what I mean?? Another of my grandkids, Thelma, runs the Mani/Pedi Salon over at the Washeteria on Main Street. All them kids are the talk of the town, their Mama is so proud of them. The youngest, Bubba Jr., wants to be a Vet or a Dentist.
Either one could help my Darlin’ with her teeth, we’ll see what happens. Her smokin’ is a problem, but what’re you going to do when she’s growin’ her own in the backyard? Here’s to you Sweetcakes … Love the Hat!
You two crack me up!
Sipsey,quite an article..keep up the good work…:D
Ya shoulda seen Jr. in that there backpack I had on too! 🙂