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Operation Red Dust

RedDust_0By Linda Elissalde
Bill, Jean, Mary Jean and Anna Leigh Sargent are a gifted and talented family. They cook gourmet meals and serve 30 guests with the blink of an eye. All are musically endowed. Bill handles the drums while Jean, Mary Jean and Anna Leigh sing and play myriad instruments. Their family group, EXODUS XV, has performed for many events in Galveston. However, they have also entertained at Bay Vue United Methodist Church, The Jane Long Festival and GOSPEL EXTRAVAGANZA on our peninsula. They have been welcomed with enthusiastic crowds wherever they play.

Now, The Family Sargent has added a new addition to their achievements. Sower Pictures presented OPERATION RED DUST, a Mary Jean Sargent production, to Galveston on January 9, 2016. Jean Howard Sargent, Barbara Biggs, Anna Leigh Sargent, Larry Straw and Phillip Trittle were also producers of the film with screenplay, direction and music by Mary Jean Sargent.

This delightful spoof of spy shows was set in the mythical country of Toscumbria. The flag colors are red, white and purple. The country is renowned for parsnips, turnips, radishes and tourism. (That is if you can find it on a map.) Unfortunately, the country is threatened by villainous Lucretia Spode and Ivan Ivanoshoshkavitch who plan to release the dangerous biological toxin Red Dust on the Sultan’s 27th election ballroom gala celebration. It is to be disguised in Parsnip Borchetta.

Bill Sargent directs guests to premiere room; Stars Jean Sargent and Anna Leigh Sargent greet guests at premiere of OPERATION RED DUST

Bill Sargent directs guests to premiere room; Stars Jean Sargent and Anna Leigh Sargent greet guests at premiere of OPERATION RED DUST

OPERATION RED DUST stars Jean Howard Sargent and Barbara Biggs as C.L.E.W. (Covert League for Espionage Worldwide) agents. Family and friends play various roles that enhance, entertain, move the plot along and cracked up the audience at its premiere. Local peninsula residents Marcel and Linda C. Elissalde were in the cast spotted at the gala ball celebration part of the film. Marcel was resplendent in his purple handlebar moustache. Linda can be seen in purple hair as she dances with the group.

Writer, Director, Producer Mary Jean Sargent welcomes cast members Marcel and Linda Elissalde.

Writer, Director, Producer Mary Jean Sargent welcomes cast members Marcel and Linda Elissalde.

The Sargents have produced a wonderfully funny feature that can be purchased on DVD. You can contact Linda C. Elissalde at 409-684-2634 if you wish a copy. For now, the Elissaldes are grateful to have been a part of this fun filming and enjoyable premiere.

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