This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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Our Everchanging Neighborhood

By Georgia Osten
We’ve lived here in Pearl Subdivision since before Ike. We’ve seen many changes, mostly good ones! After Ike, people began claiming their land with trailers. I guess they didn’t want to spend a lot of money establishing a “permanent” structure that just might get blown away in the next storm. The “no trailer” policies seemed to go poof, deed restrictions were not upheld. As property would come along for sale, several homeowners would put their heads together and “buy up” the land to ward off more trailer park settings.

We’re not a really big neighborhood, just 3 main streets. So the story goes, the owner of most of the property here in Pearl, decided to name the 3 streets after his daughters: Olive, Mary Ann and Clara. We live on Olive, it’s the closest in vicinity to Driftwood Subdivision. We don’t have a sign because there’s not enough unowned property to put up a sign.

Most recently, one of our friends sold his property. It’s a funny little drive-up-to-the-front-door situation. Sonny’s wife had her golf cart and he had his. There was room for two golf carts up on the deck. When they would get down to the beach from their home in Houston, they would each drive on up to the front door.

Sonny sold to a hard working individual who has already made phenomenal strides in clearing off the property. Gone are the oleanders and palm trees trimmed. We’re told the new owner will rip off the ramp and put stairs on up to an enlarged deck.

We can see the back yard from our house, just the other side of the slough. The other day, I saw about 6 kids out there in Sonny’s old back yard. Now there’s a sight for sore eyes!



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