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OVATION for Michael Feighan

By Linda Elissalde
Ovation: sustained, enthusiastic show of appreciation from an audience
Michael Feighan is known as one of the world’s best drummers. Crystal Beach Community Church and various venues have enjoyed his contributions to both sacred and secular bands. Now, Michael has expanded his talents to include performing solo with songs that he has written or co-written. His first album will be out sometime in December. On Saturday, November 14, Michael arrived at Community Church for his first solo concert. Michael’s humble graciousness is revealed in explaining how he arrived at this moment.

“So, last night was my debut for EP release titled SOMEONE PRAYED. It was also the first concert for me as a solo artist. I have spent the whole of my musical career in the background as a drummer for the band Whitecross and had amazing moments with the band. One that comes to mind is playing in Brazil for 2 nights at a soccer stadium for 60,000 people. Stepping up front as a solo artist has been quite different and intimidating for sure, but well worth the effort! The weeks leading up to this event have been challenging to say the least! I could feel the pressure building and wondered if I needed to postpone, but things were already in motion. I was blessed to have guitarist Charlie Lair as music director with Claude Darby on guitar, and Darrell Chessen on bass as well as running sound. Last night’s show went great with no sound issues! Praise God!”

“Everything flowed well, and I felt a great connection with the audience. I was able to perform all the songs from my project and give some insight into the songwriting of each number. I was blessed to have Barry Graul of the band Mercy Me collaborate on 2 songs and play guitar on them as well. I have been inspired by artists such as Joe Cocker, Bryan Adams and Rod Stewart to name a few and feel they are evident in the way I approach singing and writing. I enjoy artists that bear their souls in their art and hope I can emulate the same to be a blessing to anyone who listens to my songs. I pray that this project will bring some comfort to whoever listens, and more importantly, lead them to the beautiful love of God.”

“I will never forget this first concert at Crystal Beach Community Church, and all the people who sacrificed their time to come and listen to me bear my soul.”

It was a packed crowd that filled Community Church. Not only did they repay Michael’s efforts with an ovation. They prolonged the applause and then rose as one to their feet. That is the ultimate award from an audience – A STANDING OVATION for MICHAEL FEIGHAN! BRAVO, MICHAEL! WELL DONE!

Michael’s email address is


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One Response to “OVATION for Michael Feighan”

  1. Craig Lang says:


    Great article on Michael Feighan. We are all truly bless to have Michael in our Community. He is a Prayer Warrior for everyone on the Peninsula. Thank you for all your contributions to our Peninsula.

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