This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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Over Served

Georgia's Sand BucketBy Georgia Osten
Never a doubt. The invitation was open-ended. My daughter, Leigh, treated me to the most wonderful experience. I guess she and Mel have attended the Kemah Wine Fest for a few years now. I think I was invited last year, but since it happened on the same weekend as the Nutcracker Market, I declined. I’m only good for one event per weekend. And, that’s a fact! There’s no way I could have made the Nutcracker Market on Sunday after ANY wine fest!

They had the tickets and they were determined to try it out even with the ALL DAY RAIN FEST expected on Saturday. We all met at Leigh’s and Paul Uber’d us to Kemah and promised to come back to get us later.

First stop – Saltgrass Steakhouse on the Boardwalk. What a treat! We decided to go ahead and imbibe at lunch, Mel & Leigh had White Cosmos and I had a Sauvignon Blanc, Barbara decided to wait. Good idea Barbara! We dressed for the occasion, Barbara loaned me a warm wool scarf, the girls wore their cute rainboots, I had my Gorton’s Fisherman jacket on, looked like I had just gotten off the fishing boat, felt like it too. The rain never let up all day.

That’s okay, Tillman thought of everything, a huge tent for all the wineries and heaters throughout. It was so comfortable in there, we had to shed some of our layers.

Many wineries, a lot from Oregon & Washington. They had all varieties to try and with our ticket, we each got a wine glass. Each winery had bottles and bottles of water for rinsing your glass before trying another flavor.
There were a few food choices as well, shrimp, chicken, crackers for cleansing your palate.

The ”people-watching” was top notch and as the hours clicked by, the people got friendlier and friendlier. Some, a little too friendly (but we won’t go there).

Paul & Jeff, our personal Ubers, came to get us about the time it was over. Back to Leigh’s for pizza delivery and after falling asleep watching TV with them, I decided it was time to head on up to bed.

What? It was only 7:30, oh dear. I had a really good time! I think??

[GO: Nov-22-2022]

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