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Proudly They Serve (It’s a Family Tradition)

darren_0By Linda Elissalde
Laughter, tears, joy, remembrances, music from 3 WAY SWITCH, good food and lots of visiting created a perfect atmosphere for Technical Sergeant Darren Moody’s Retirement Party. Family and friends gathered on Saturday, June 4, 2016 to honor Darren’s multiple contributions to our country as a part of the Air Mobility Command and the 6th Air Mobility Wing of the United States Air Force. Of course, Darren comes from a family that has served the USA in many capacities. (It is a bit of a family tradition.) His grandfather, J.D. Nowell was in the original Army Air Corp which later became the Air Force. Big brother J. Dean Moody was a part of the United States Air Force from January, 1990 until he retired in 2010. J. Dean’s amazing wife Michelle was also a member of the service, and son Joshua is now serving and stationed in Alaska.

It was most fitting that Tech Sergeant J. Dean, who participated in The Gulf War, Operation Provide Comfort, War in Afghanistan, The War on Terror, Operation Enduring Freedom and the War in Iraq just to mention a few, should serve as Master of Ceremonies. Brad Vratis welcomed everyone to this officious occasion before handing the microphone over to J. Dean.

J. Dean spoke eloquently about his younger brother. The pride he felt in Darren’s accomplishments was obvious. Mom Margo Johnson glowed with happiness as she watched her “boys”.

Proud mom Margo Johnson with Tech Sergeants Darren and J. Dean Moody at Darren's retirement party.

Proud mom Margo Johnson with Tech Sergeants Darren and J. Dean Moody at Darren’s retirement party.

When Darren took the mike, he thanked all the people who had helped him throughout his life. He showed special love and gratitude for his lovely wife Heather. Sergeant Moody stated, “She supported me in everything that I ever did.” He then went on to praise all his family and non- military friends who helped during his time overseas and on his return.

Tech Sergeant Darren Moody and family.

Tech Sergeant Darren Moody and family.

Darren received a citation from Colonel Daniel H. Tulley, USAF who is Commander With Air Mobility Wing (AMC) MacDill Air Force Base, Florida that enumerated the gratitude of his fellow soldiers. Among the congratulatory statements was this great testament: “From the day you entered the Air Force in 1996 through a career that brought you to duty stations around the globe and participation in Operations PROVIDE COMFORT, SOUTHERN WATCH, RESTORE HOPE, UPHOLD DEMOCRACY, PHOENIX SCORPION, DESERT FOX, ENDURING FREEDOM, IRAQI FREEDOM, INHERENT RESOLVE, and FREEDOM’S SENTINEL, you have served your country with honor and professionalism.” That covers it pretty well.

Darren displays his special service commemorative box.

Darren displays his special service commemorative box.

Extended family, friends and Air Force buddies send best wishes to Darren and his family as they enjoy retirement. We give him our sincere thanks and deep appreciation for doing one of the greatest things a person can do – serve his country. We could not be, “The Land of the Free and The Home of the Brave,” without men like Technical Sergeant Darren Moody.

You have proudly served your country, and we are proud of you!

Proud mom watches Darren's presentation.

Proud mom watches Darren’s presentation.

Kathy and Margo enjoy 3 Way Switch.

Kathy and Margo enjoy 3 Way Switch.

Mary Raney and Beth Rankin share in this joyful celebration.

Mary Raney and Beth Rankin share in this joyful celebration.

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