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Rain Barrel Workshop at the Houston Zoo

bayThe Galveston Bay Foundation (GBF) invites the public to its upcoming Rain Barrel Workshop, sponsored by Lyondell Basell, on Saturday, Sept. 20th from 2:00pm-4:00pm at the Houston Zoo. Rain barrels are an efficient, low-cost method for collecting rainwater and conserving freshwater resources in Galveston Bay. They are placed at downspouts in order to divert rainfall from a rooftop, thereby also reducing runoff pollution in Galveston Bay. Attendees of this workshop will learn the benefits of rain barrels, how to use them, as well as proper location and installation.

Pre-registration is required. The cost is $30, which includes admission to the workshop, a 35-gallon recycled barrel, and a connector kit. To register, visit Contact Neally Rhea at or 281-332-3381, extension 220 for more details.

“We are very pleased to offer our support for Galveston Bay Foundation’s Rain Barrel Program,” says Sam Smolik, Vice President, Health, Safety, Environmental and Operational Excellence of LyondellBasell, a major sponsor of the workshop. “This program brings the community together to protect and conserve freshwater in Galveston Bay in a way that each of us can make a contribution.” Other sponsors of the workshop include Coca-Cola Bottling Company, the Houston Zoo, and River Network.

This workshop is unique in that GBF is partnering with the Houston Zoo to bring perspective on how water conservation also relates to local, wildlife conservation. “It is a perfect fit for the Houston Zoo to host the rain barrel workshop because the Zoo is committed to engaging in conservation actions that positively impact animals in the wild,” says Martha Parka, the Conservation Education Coordinator at the Houston Zoo. This workshop is part of GBF’s efforts to reduce stormwater pollution, conserve water, and reduce bacteria levels in Galveston Bay.

About Galveston Bay Foundation
The mission of the Galveston Bay Foundation is to preserve, protect, and enhance the natural resources of the Galveston Bay estuarine system and its tributaries for present users and for posterity. The Foundation was incorporated in 1987, and is a non-profit organization under Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. GBF is located at 17330 Highway 3 in Webster, Texas. For further information contact GBF at 281-332-3381 or visit the website at

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